Weapon of Choice: 1986 Canon Typestar 4 #Q12013213
Mail Call: A Triple-Letter Day and some new CHOP-stampers!
Now that’s a Mail Spread right there! Gunier’s new Thermal Print Camera is getting a workout. (: Ooh, some new super-flexi dip pen nibs! Gunier includes a postage stamp, which will have to wait until his next letter to be used, as I’m gonna be sending a box this time. He’s also got a new […]
Smith-Corona Linespacing options and How to Swap them!
“Roland” 1957 Tower Commander – Pica Typeface, “Regular” Linespacer “Einstein” 1956 Smith-Corona Silent – Elite (math) Typeface, “Line Saver” Linespacer “Bubbles” 1960 Smith-Corona Galaxie – Artistic Script Typeface, “Magna” Linespacer Excerpts from The Smith-Corona Floating Shift Typewriter Repair Bible Printed & Coil-Bound Download PDF Joe’s video on “Slow Your Roll” 1 1/2 linespacing on full-spacing […]
Mail Call: Late Birthday Mail & The Omega XL Mix
Kristy sent a panel of my very favorite discontinued stamps, so she’s covered for the next 4 letters, fortunately I plan to get to the post office today or Monday, so the rest of the un-stamped mail will go out then. (: Currently in the Eyeholes: I’ve also started moving some of my favorite music […]
Tape Pals Omega XL Round One Completes!
A delightful surprise in the mail for my birthday! :D It’s the Tape Pals Omega XL package, back from its round trip through Correspondents Gunier and Gregory! Lots of fun includes in the box. The TINY THINGS collection so far – A Mother Mary, a tiny Scrying Orb and an Acacia Stenophylla seed. The things […]
Mail Call: All Caught Up Except for Today!
Campos missed out on typing on the card enclosed in this envelope. I shall have to rectify that and send it on to someone else… Currently in the Eyeholes: Wow, real momma’s boy, creepily so. Started drinking himself to death as soon as his best book was published. Very Catholic, I guess. He does describe […]
Things to Make & Do: “RolodexZine! one”
This might be the first time anyone has thought of making a ‘zine in Rolodex format! I can’t find any mentions of it being done before, so who knows? In any case, it’s done now, and you can make your own copies to put in your Rolodex and send to your Correspondents! 1) Download the […]
Mail Call: A Bunches O’Mail plus a sneak peek at “ROLODEXZINE! one”
It all started after staring at my test “Jimbo Ziglet” 4-Panel Rolodex card and thinking about how many pages of thinner paper I could fit in that little matchbook and still have it work in a Rolodex. Prolly too small to be useful as a notebook, but you could make a ‘Zine out of it. […]
My Correspondents, and things I should remember about them: Rolodex edition.
So, I got a couple new comments on my post about the 1949 “Friends” book I found at Deseret a couple years ago, which made me ponder how useful it would be if I could make a Rolodex card that could hold more information than is usual for what you can type on a standard […]
Mail Call: Death Metal Cassette Tapes & Something Else!
An uncharacteristic burst of RAGE at the USPS
In Conclusion: You don’t want to do your job, then you either QUIT, or I stop paying you. That’s the way this works. Ever-increasing prices for ever-decreasing service is not the way to encourage people to save your dying dinosaur ass. ): Oh, and if you *do* like the USPS and think I’m being harsh, […]
Mail Call: Experiencing the Magic of Vertical Script
Currently in the Eyeholes:
Mail Call: More on Dem Bones and Handmade Technicolor Photo Filters!
Dem Bones, Dem Bones, Dem Prolly Not Human Bones… A selection of home-made marble printed Rolodex cards for my Rolodex. Apparently my Correspondents are catching on to the Rolodex vibe for keeping track of their own Correspondence. :D Consider myself braced! (: a Two-Ouncer! Lotta pages to this story. (: KT’s Royal 5, her Weapon […]
Mail Call: Eyeballs in my Wine, and a Holeful of Hacksawed Femurs.
Oh, and don’t think for a moment that I missed the Gutenberg Vertical Screw Travelling press stamp above. Funny, I just watched a “The Day The Universe Changed” highlighting the invention of just that press :D Postcards for EVERYONE! It’s the Gift that Keeps on Giving!
Random Thoughts #72
Movin’ stuff around..
Mail Call: A Letter From The Center for Typewritten Communications and Typewriter Reclamation!
Got a letter from Bill G last night, and he’s now on Episode 20! I have already answered it, and managed to trick myself into making it a 100% thermally-typed letter, pasted up onto the Episode sheet. It’s kind of fun – I may do this for all my December Letters, just to switch it […]
Mail Call: Christmas Card from TC! :D
Below, more Thermal Paper tests, including the Phomemo’s “micro print” feature. 52 or so characters across 2 1/4″ is not bad at all. Pretty readable, too! Currently in the Eyeholes: I saw this film in an elementary school gymnasium back in the mid-70’s, and the “Me and My Arrow” song has lived rent-free in my […]
Photosensitive Philosophies
Experiments Printing Panoramas on the Phomemo M02
May 25, 2000 – I had my first digital camera, a 1996 Canon Powershot 600, and a hankerin’ to experiment. So I took the camera and a tripod out to the backyard of The Monastery and set up for a panorama. Carefully rotating the camera around in a 360 circle and using the self-timer to […]
Thermal Trifecta: Phomemo M02, Brother EP-22 & Blueberry Cyclops Bear
More Thermal Register Roll tests and Let’s See What’s Inside a Thermal Printer!
Through the back of the paper you can see how the stamp pad ink bleaches the black from the thermal image, leaving red on a light background.
By Grabthar’s Hammer, It’s Just Right!
Thermal Sticker Madness!
I copied a bunch of my favorite logos and clip art onto my phone so I can use them to instantly print stickers for… reasons.. :D
On the Economics of Thermal Paper Rolls for Toy Cameras/Printers
Boy howdy, thermal photo printing is cheap! How cheap? Well, here’s a breakdown of some deals on thermal paper rolls that will work in either my “Cyclops” toy camera or the Phomemo M02: A Black Friday deal on 10 rolls of 58mm self-adhesive thermal paper specifically for these cameras/printers, 10 feet of paper per roll […]
Mail Call: Movie Recommendations from a Correspondent
Mail Call: The Sophomore Episode Wall & the $17 Phomemo M02 Thermal Printer
Prismacolor Marker Tests on Thermal Photo Prints
Phomemo printer drivers for Linux CUPS Comfortable Shoes Studios experiments with hand-tinting thermal photo prints: HA! Here’s a fun idea that I bet Joe will enjoy:
Happy Thanksgiving! Also, some tests with markers on thermal photos on various thermal papers
I’ve been having a great deal of fun and utility from the silly little toy thermal camera that Gregory sent me this past year – it’s really amazing to be able to make illustrative and artsy photographs with Polaroid ease and negligible cost which I can paste into letters or a notebook or simply present […]
Currently in the Eyeholes: Exploring the Films of Peter Greenaway
I’ve mentioned the films of Peter Greenaway here on occasion, but I don’t get much response on that topic, which is a shame because I’d really like people to experience his films. Greenaway is one of those filmmakers who pretty much never gets mentioned in “best of” lists of films, even ones focused on obscure […]
Currently in the eyeholes: Blank City – true art has never come from comfort
I’ve been on a bit of a Jim Jarmusch kick lately, powered by some lucky DVD finds at thrifts (you can find near *anything* at thrift store DVD shelves these days, if you’re willing to dig past the many copies of the “Harry Potter” films and the always-present “Inception”), so when I came across this […]
Mail Call: From the House of Polt
Ehh, I’m not so sure the world needs more Chaos Magic right now, and I’m a Chaos Mage. Kinda already pretty badly unbalanced, if you want my opinion. Currently in the Eyeholes: Heh, this movie always makes me feel better about the swirling maelstrom around me. At least my decapitated friends aren’t biting my butt! […]
Currently in the Eyeholes: The Girl Chewing Gum & True Stories
Just done bein’ in the eyeholes, and now rattlin’ around the squishy bits: Currently in the eyeholes: Another one Joe would prolly dig.. “I really enjoyed forgetting. When I first come to a place, I notice all the little details. I notice the way the sky looks. The color of white paper. The way people […]
Mail Call: Autumn Mail from STM
Currently in the eyeholes: The thing that struck me about this film is that if you like the first few minutes of it, you’re gonna like the rest. Well, that and the curiously Japanese tendency to do full frontal censorship by just drawing Barbie Doll anatomy rather than tastefully positioned debris or something. Just strikes […]
Mail Call: The CTCTR Returns!
Currently in the eyeholes: Funny, as I skim the news today, I recall this quote from Lew Harper in this movie: “The bottom is loaded with nice people – all that rises is cream and bastards…” -Harper