Typewriter Database is now seeking typewriter collectors who have photos of their collections and serial numbers handy to beta-test the Typewriter Gallery Uploader. If you would like to be among the first intrepid Typewriter Hunters to upload typewriter galleries for your collection and sightings, please leave a comment below indicating you would like to be upgraded to “Typewriter Hunter” status. (make sure you’ve created an account at typewriterdatabase.com first.)
I’d like to thank Richard Polt, who was the first Beta Typewriter Hunter to upload a sighting: a 1919 Century 10!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi! I’d like to be able to post photos and info for the machines in my collection. I followed the sign-up instructions and everything appears to be in order. My username is TypesMcGilicuddy.
Thank you in advance. The Typewriter Database is an incredible resource.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Not sure if this is relevant but I have a Remington Noiseless with tab whose serial number is not on your database.
If you would like the info it is serial no X318924 under US patent 1561450. Condition ripe for cleaning/restoration/renovation, or as display piece. Some parts working.
Am in the UK.
Only relevant if you add it to the database, which you can do if you join and become a Typewriter Hunter. By serial number, that is a Noiseless Standard, 1934.
Hello Munk! I’ve opened an account and would like to add my humble 6 typewriters to the database please. Username is KY671. I’d like to be a Hunter.
Ta very much as we say here in Yorkshire!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Deleted your other account, BTW (:
Thanks Munk. Had some operator error but because it’s not a typewriter I couldn’t see what I’d done wrong!!
Is there a reason why I can’t get an avatar uploaded? Trying to use jpg.
Make the image around 1000px wide/tall. Image upload problems are always because the image is too big.
I would like to be upgraded to a TW Hunter. I have a vintage Corona Speedline Sterling 3A with a French keyboard setting that I am restoring and would like to add the photos. There is no such version in the gallery yet.
My username is Fred76
Best regards
Fred (Normandy, France)
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hey, I did all the steps listed in the FAQ, can I please be upgraded? The username is 68RemingtonMonarch.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I would like to be able to post photos of my very small collection of typewriter and see what others have in their collections
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi :)
would love my account to be upgraded.
My Username is: Glitzerkatze
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I would also like a promotion :) My username is Sava
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Can you please upgrade me? My username is: dvanrijswijk
Thank you!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hellooooo I would like to be a typewriter hunter please I saw some running around my yard and I’d like to try and tame them my username is Pipconnor
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I would like to be a hunter
username IAllen
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi, I would like to be a hunter.
Username: tiberswimmer
Thank you!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello! My username is: matthewmiller1994 and I would like to be upgraded to Typerwriter Hunter! I have now uploaded an avatar and updated my bio/about.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Greetings! My username is pleia2 and I’d like to be upgraded to Typewriter Hunter :) Thank you!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Please upgrade my account to typewriter hunter, please
My user name is: besh27
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello! I would love an account upgrade to typewriter hunter!
Username is: Draiocht
Thank you kindly!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
G’day, brother Munk. I’m here to obtain a typewriter hunting license. Name’s beefsupreme
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
looking for upgrade to typewriter hunter status!
username ayjayviss
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello! I’d love to become a typewriter hunter and share some of my machines with the wider typosphere!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Can I be a typewriter hunter? Not sure if anyone is checking this anymore haha
Just created an account on the website
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
hello, I would like to become a typewriter hunter
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi! I’d love to be upgraded – my username is tempo1012
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello, i would like to be upgraded. my username is bettinah
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Good Morning! I am very excited to potentially have the opportunity to join the hunting squad! Thanks for your consideration! Nukodyne
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Maker99081, just got my 1st typer. please let my upload
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Greetings! I’m eager to join the fore of Typewriter Hunters and take part in a little slice of the internet that is a positive, interesting place. :)
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello. I would like to complete the registration and upload photos to the gallery.
My nickname – Erpeler
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Could I become a Typewriter Hunter too?
Kind regards,
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I would like to become a typewriter hunter. My username is jacobhunter80.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello! I would like to become a typewriter hunter. My username is trashconnoisseur. Thank you!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hey there,
Can I please become a Hunter?
I have a really nice old machine I’d like to share photos of.
Username is thebigh
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Thank you! Will upload my gallery later today once I get a hang of the site.
May I become a typewriter hunter? The username is BudFox.
Thank you.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Username: PhlannelPhysics
I own several typewriters I would love to add to your database. Would very much appreciate an upgrade.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Just joined after bagging a near mint Voss. Please upgrade
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
looking to become a hunter! Username frog108
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I have just signed up to The Typewriter Database, and I am wondering if you would be able to upgrade me to be a hunter? Username:- JSmith
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Chuckg100 here, formally requesting to be upgraded to Typewriter Hunter status.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Please could you upgrade me to a Typewriter Hunter? User name is Shamwari.
Best regards
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello, can I be upgraded to “typewriter hunter” please ? My username is “Gribse”
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Dear Rev. Munk,
May I please join the hunt?
Yours, etc.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Good day,
I’m a Hermesian writing monk and would love to share my precious specimens with my fellow hunters out there.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi. I’m not a typewriter person, but I recently bought an old (I think it’s really old) machine that I want to use in a photo session. Just out of curiosity, I have a question… is it possible to determine the year of production of the ADLER Tippa machine number 4151944 (141541)? Thank you in advance. Regards.
yes, look it up here:
Hello, I would like to be upgraded to Hunter Status. My user name on TWDB is royalsmithcorona. Thank you
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello, could you upgrade me to typewriter hunter on the database when you get the chance? My username there is “moorparktypewriter”, thanks -Anthony
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi! I’d like to be upgraded to a Typewriter Hunter… my ID is mario53
Thank You!!! :)
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
(also deleted the other 2 accounts you made)
Thank you, I was having problems with the mailbox! :)
Hello, I aspire to become a typewriter hunter. My user name is “lcgrady.”
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Just fell in the rabbit hole of typewriters and sure would love to contribute and become a typewriter hunter.
Username is : CFortin15
Happy hunting everyone!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi, Munk! Looking to be upgraded to a Typewriter Hunter.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Could you please upgrade my account? Thank you!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I’d like to be upgraded! ZoeyBologna
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Would like to become a Typewriter Hunter, please!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I’d like to become a hunter, and upload my current and ongoing collection and finds.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
hello I would like to become a typewriter hunter :)
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I would like to be a typewriter hunter.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
G’day Mr Munk
Just created an account and would love to be upgraded, please.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi, Reverend. I’d like to be upgraded to Typewriter Hunter and add my modest collection to the database. User name is: jwryan4
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
hello I would like to become a Typewriter hunter :)
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello! Can you please upgrade my account- ready to upload my first typewriters! suncouch
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I would like to be upgraded, please. Have a few models I would love to create galleries for! Username is jbehrens. Thanks!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi, I’d like to have my account upgraded so I can upload my first-ever typewriter. My username is BillG94.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Like to add to your database. Username: Thepain321
Have a Remington 12 with very close serial to another you have an image of. LX36-442 vs LV46-442.
The main difference is mine is a large carriage model.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I want to upload an Olivetti Lettera 32 made in Spain I got, could I be upgraded to typewriter hunter?
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Buonasera, mi piacerebbe se il mio account fosse aggiornato, Peppe8282
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi there,
Could I please get my account upgraded.
My username is Athenasowl
Thank you!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Would love to be minted a Typewriter Hunter! Just bought my first (and second) manual typewriters this week, can’t wait to add more to the collection. Site username is levigillikin
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi I’m a new member and would love to upload my little typewriter collection to the site. My username is ChristianWriter84.
Thank you very much!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi, I am a novice enthusiast and I have come across a typewriter recently and I wanted to register it. I thought this would be the place to do so. After going through the steps I saw I have to leave a comment asking to be upgraded to Hunter.
Thanks so much,
Atticus (Which by the way is my user name which I read needed to be included in the comment)
P.S. I think this website is very great and I really appreciate the work.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Can I please be upgraded to a Typewriter Hunter? My username is Yackemflaber. Thank you!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Looking to be Upgraded to Typewriter Hunter status, please.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi Ted, please add new brand – EUROPA. Producer Europa Schreibmaschinen A.G., Erfurt, Germany. AEG Concern.
Thank You
added, thanks!
Thank You very much, The gallery is published.
Hi, looking to to become a Typewriter Hunter. My username is lapin. Thank you!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Typewriter Hunter Wannabee! I listened to the podcast about this database, created an account, clicked on the “about” stuff, and found the link to this so I can create a comment. Whew!
Gaileee is my username (I believe…ha!)
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello, I would like to request Hunter status please. May I please have my account upgraded?
My user name is Vintageink1965
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello! Lately I’ve been wanting to get back to the typewriter. I am seeking advice is which one I should buy. With tech hitting hard, I’m thinking going back to basics would be prudent of me. I live in AZ.
Your mission will be to meet us here and try out some machines to see which you like:
Aug 14, 2024. Hello Mr. Munk.
I have a royal quiet deluxe (with case) serial number 1101470R.
I’ve had it for about 20 years and got it because it reminded me of the typewriter my grandfather used. It hasn’t seen the light of day in all this time but today I opened it and immediately went to research it and came across your mighty resource. I just wanted to put in the name, Royal quiet deluxe and the serial number on your resource site and really couldn’t find any place to put those two simple things. What am I missing intro your site? I was just looking for information. Please advise. Thank you so much.
Upgrade: Typewriter Hunter. I believe I’ve found a Royal Arrow 1949. Serial number C1742167.
Username: BunnyBoo76
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi! Greetings from Mérida, Venezuela! I’d like to be a Typewriter Hunter! I have a few typewriters I’d like to add to the database. Thanks for the opportunity!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Would you mind upgrading my account, please. Thank you. Username is Daz.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi i’d like to be upgraded to typewriter hunter. My username is: Sockman
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi there, I would like to be upgraded to a typewriter hunter, my name is Kit Yeo
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi there, Please upgrade my account. I have some information on Glasgow made Lettera 22s which I think would be a useful addition to the database. Please let me know how I could share this?
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello! Could you please upgrade my account? Username: TypingTypist (v creative)
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Also, I deleted your other two unactivated accounts.
Thank you!
Hello! I would like my account to be upgraded :)
Username: EnterHereName
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Please upgrade my account mm2021, so I can upload photos and contribute to the database.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Could you please upgrade my account when you have a chance? Username: Rant
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! :D
I would like to be updated, I’m username: zpark
You have to click the validation link in the email that was sent to you. Check your spam folder.
I’ve looked in the junk folder and anywhere else, I never received the email.
Dunno what to tell you except maybe try a different email. I can’t upgrade you unless the system has accepted you as a valid user via the email validation.
I’ve tried multiple different email addresses (all non-gmail) and I’ve never received anything. Is it at all possible to have the validation email resent?
I’ve resent the validation email to your icloud account.
Ok I’ve figured out it’s just my iCloud blocking things before they reach me. I’ve gotten an email and accepted, please upgrade username: tygerknits
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! I’ve removed the other accounts you created. (:
Hello! Could you upgrade my a17s account upgraded? (BTW, I couldn’t enter my entire name, as it contains a hyphen and you only accept letters and numbers. You might want to revise your validation rule.)
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! :D
I’d like to be upgraded to Typewriter Hunter.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! :D
I’d love to be upgraded to Typewriter Hunter so we can contribute my serial numbers and photos to the project!
My username is jrose125.
Thank you!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello, I would appreciate being upgraded to Typewriter Hunter status to log some of my machines. My username is jswill98
Thank you.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
May I kindly ask for my account status to be upgraded from Member to Typewriter Hunter.
Username: toeknee204
I appreciate your time.
Warm regards,
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi Munk!
I’d love to join the ranks of the Typewriter Hunters!
My username is: pcorty97
Thanks so much!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Requesting upgrade to ‘Typewriter Hunter’.
Username: FrankTapper
Frank Tapper
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
First of all, thank you for the wonderful list of serial numbers!
Secondly, I would like to be upgraded to a Typewriter Hunter!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I would like to be upgraded to Typewriter Hunter so I can post pics of my collection. My username is Lisiemarie
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Im Jerryducc, please upgrade my account thank you
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Sorry for the inappropriateness, but I can’t register on TWDB. I’ve tried two times and never received the confirm mail. I live and grew up in central CT, a mecca of typewriter manufacturers in the heyday: Royal, Remington, Underwood, Noiseless (grew up just hundreds of feet from the Noiseless factory in Middletown Conn)
Result: Sent validation link to a.lagana@snet.net. Check your spam folder. If you still don’t get the validation link, you’ll need to use a different email address. (:
Hi, please upgrade me to Typewriter Hunter, thank you.
— Kleinsteuber Machineshop
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello! I’d like to have my membership upgraded so I can add my typewriters to the database! My username is Bookmouser.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello I’d like to contribute to this as a new typewriter collector.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Please add me username Grinualda
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Richiesta di aggiornamento a ‘Typewriter Hunter’
Nome utente: Roby1964
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello! Username: Thistlebright
Just created an account, and would love to be able to make a gallery of our typewriter collection (25 so far) here on the database.
I spent all day yesterday doing the photography, and all day today sizing the photos to smaller than 1000 pixels each way.
Excited to join the TD – we have some pretty cool models / typefaces to share!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi there! I am a newly-minted TH, and I was happily uploading typewriters into new galleries today, and suddenly I am unable to upload the photos for my next gallery.
The photos have already been sized to your specifications, so it’s not that. I searched the FAQ and couldn’t find anything that said there was a limit to how many galleries you could make in a day.
IS there a limit? I’ve tried closing and reopening the site, and logging off/on again – still nothing. I’ve tried uploading one photo at a time instead of batching them. No joy.
I couldn’t find any “contact us” on the website, which is why I’m sending you this message here. Apologies if this isn’t the way.
There is no limit to number of galleries per day. The only advice I have is to double-check your images. Other than that, it’s not possible for me to diagnose specific uploading issues.
Hi! I’ve just joined TWDB and supported this great project on Patreon. I have used TWDB so many times, that finally I have decided to contribute!
I would like to ask to upgrade my membership – I want to add my machines (currently around 30) to TWDB.
My username: MateuszCiupka
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello, me again. Just wanted to let you know that you might want to ask your IT person to check the code on the TD. My husband was looking at the code on the photo upload page, and it says it’s looking for .PNG and .gif instead of .jpg (which is the format all my existing gallery photos are in). I have tried deleting the gallery and uploading photos that are 600 pixels (much smaller than the stated limit) and also tried changing a photo to a .PNG file and – no dice. I also tried deleting all my cookies and refreshing everything from my side, on my computer, and it’s still not working, so I can only assume there’s something wrong on the server side. I am just really excited to get my collection on the database, and the first six I created worked so smoothly… and now I am unable to create another one successfully, using the same exact methods. I understand that you are not an IT person, but you must have one if you are curating a database online, so maybe you could just ask them to check things out? If I had not created six galleries successfully already, I would assume this was my fault, but… thanks for any help you can offer.
The uploader works perfectly fine with JPGs, so I have no idea what that’s about. I think the telling issue is that your problem affects only you. I tested it, and other people are uploading galleries without issues, so it simply cannot be a server-side issue. As a test, try uploading a gallery using the photos you’ve already successfully used on previous galleries. If that works, the problem lies with the other photos that aren’t uploading. It’s *always* an issue with the photos that causes upload problems.
Hello, id like to join tw-hunter gang. Would love to share these fine things.
My username is bear22
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I’m hoping to join the Typewriter Hunters.
Username: TheGrumpyRobot
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I would like to add to my collection a Polish typewriter Łucznik 1303 produced by “Łucznik” (Zakłady Metalowe “Łucznik” w Radomiu).
Unfortunately there is no such Brand – could you add to it?
added “Łucznik” (:
I tried to sign up as a member of the database to become a hunter. But after a week or two I’ve yet to get a confirmation email.
Check your spam folder, I guess. Don’t know what to tell you if your service rejects the confirmation email, except maybe try a different one.
Request Hunter Status!
username: Hudak1980
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi there! I’d love to be upgraded to Typewriter Hunter. I’ve currently got 9 (and counting 😬) typewriters I’d love to upload photos and descriptions for.
Username: matokah
Thank you for this wonderful resource!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Please do the upgrading on me for to be a Type Writer Hunter!
UserName: ToastMercuryMelonFrog
Thank you for being there for me.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello, may I be upgraded to a Typewriter Hunter, please? Thanks!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Howdy! I’d like to become a Typewriter hunter please and upload info and photos about my acquisitions!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I like to be a Typewriter Hunter.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I would like to be upgraded to Typewriter Hunter if you have a moment. I am registered, and my username is IrmaVonBecx.
Thank you so much for all your work!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Thank you! :D
I would like to obtain some help in finding out more from one of my typewriters, my username is vitokat, I am a bit lost if the typewriter I am looking to catalog/find/hunt data on or even find a home for is accepted as it is An Input/Output typewriter and was part of a much larger IBM setup. I am unable to find the serial number I think its based on an IBM Model B with 180 carriage, it is from 195X and From IBM Toronto Canada The plate on the inside states Transmitting Typewriter 868-B1 Hope to find out more, the only thing I could find online so far is that there is one in a Mining Museum in Australia. It has 2 non standard plugs to connect to larger setup and I have not attempted putting power on the connectors.
Ok, well you’re a Typewriter Hunter now, so enter it as an IBM Model B, and we’ll see if anyone comments with information on it.
Hi, Id like to become a typewriter Hunter and enter my machines.
My username if Wooftype.
Thanks for putting this amazing database together!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello, I’d like to become a typewriter hunter and enter my small collection into the database. I’m registered and my username is fleatattoo. Thanks!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I have registered at twdb as yaozhang and would like to upload photos of my typewriters. Thanks!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
New collector here! I would love to add photos of my six machines to the database. Please upgrade me to Hunter status – user name smbuzard
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi Ted, I’d like to be upgraded to Typewriter Hunter. My username is Bozziche. Thanks and kudos for the site. :)
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Came here to get promoted to Hunter
cheers for setting up the site
uname: thesquashy
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Good morning Munkster,
I’d like to promote my account to Typewriter Hunter.
My username is flarguss.
Thank you for the invaluable website!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello Mr. Munk,
Thank you very much for all the time and work put into the TWDB, it is an incredible resource.
I would like to be upgraded please. I followed the sign-up instructions and everything appears to be in order. My username is “TicoTYPEr”
Thanks in advance.
May you have a splendid weekend.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello, I would like to be able to share some photos of my IBM typewriter collection. Thanks :)
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
My username is eevee, and I’d like to become a Typewriter Hunter. :)
I’m exploring the history of typewriters for my master’s thesis in graphic design, particularly their influence and heritage on typeface design and text composition.
Thank you so much for creating such an incredible database! I’d love the opportunity to connect and discuss this fascinating topic further if you’re interested.
Thanks again!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi Mr. Munk,
I would like to be upgraded to Typewriter Hunter! My user name is Repsychler. I would love to share photos of my typewriters with fellow members and visitors. I appreciate this site and use it almost everyday-it is a tremendous resource.
Thank you,
Paul White
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Greetings: I’m registered and rarin’ to go. I have a typewriter I’d like to add to the database…And maybe more in the future. Thanks in advance for all you do.
May I be upgraded to “Hunter” status, please? My user name is SCM250
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Greetings and salutations,
May I please be upgraded to Typewriter Hunter? It would be a great honor to be a member of this exalted group. My username is blackk
Thank you for all of this!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Please upgrade my account, to “typewriter hunter”. I would love to help and to learn.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi, I’d like to become a typewriter hunter please!
My collection is up to 5! A 1940’s smith corona silent, Smith Corona Cornet, and a skydiver. Also have a very nice condition 1940 Royal Companion and a Lettera 32.
Username is Zebjns. Thanks!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi, I have a Remington Travel Riter Deluxe, GR932681. Was wondering what year it is. I can send pictures if you want.
You know, a lot of work went into building a site where you can easily look that up. (:
Hello, I would like to become a typewriter hunter please.
I’ve got as of now 15 typewriters ranging from 1914 to 1976 the oldest being a Corona 3 and most recent a Petite Starlight.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi Rev. Munk,
I’d love to become a bona fide Typewriter Hunter this holiday season! My username on TWDB is SourKosher.
Thank you, and happy holidays to you and yours!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I would like to become a Typewriter Hunter. My TWDB username is MirandaErin.
Thank you!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I would like to be a Typewriter Hunter please!
Username = typercito
I thought I posted this a few minutes ago, but it disappeared. Sorry if this is a repeat post.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello, I’d like to become a typewriter hunter,
Username: Jebz
Thank you!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi, I’d love to be promoted to be a Typewriter Hunter! :D
Username: Pridewing
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Thank you and Happy New Year!
Ted, please upgrade me to “Typewriter Hunter”. My userid is bkdecker66. Cheers!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I’d like to be upgraded please :)
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I’ve just finished my profile, and would love to be upgraded please!
Looking forward to sharing my collection. :)
Thanks you,
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hey there, would love an upgrade please!
user: JDECAY
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I’d like to be upgraded to a typewriter hunter.
Username: Nox
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
What a wonderful community. I’d love to be a Typewriter Hunter. Thank you!
Username: Albalabs
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Can you please upgrade typefiend?
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I would love it if you could upgrade henmax132.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Good morning Munk,
It’s now one year that typewriters became part of my life (again), and now I feel it’s time to share some of my small collection to the world. Please add me to typewriter hunters (fschulte).
Greetings from northern Germany,
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi Munk, I’m new and I like to participate. My Username ist FritzEichhorn. Looking forward to hear form you!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello! I would like to become a typewriter hunter. My username is michalgalecka. Thank you!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi! I would like to become a typewriter hunter, I saw that have all kinds of manual and I’m trying to get to know everything I can about them. My username is dimi56497. Thank you!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi there i would like to be able to post info on my typewriters, thanks!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I’ve just joined; I’m trying to rehabilitate a wildly unique, early-30s Royal KHM, Regal rebuilt, with a 21″ platen. I also have a Royal HH, and a couple of Adler Meteors (my first typewriter, a high school graduation present from my folks, and a duplicate I just picked up today)
I’d like to be able to post photos, etc…
User Name: BrianMetz
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Dear Munk, I’d be honoured to be allowed to post some typewriters from my humble collection on this excellent website.
My username is Stephenfab4, and I’m sending my kind regards from Lausanne, Switzerland.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hoping to get an upgrade to Typewriter Hunter! My user name is shhQuiet
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello, I would like to be upgraded to Typewriter Hunter. I feel that it is time for me to give back to this community, as I have made extensive use of the database and found it quite useful — I especially was delighted to find the typeface documents that have helped me ID a couple of odd typefaces/characters recently. My username is EmeraldCityTypewriter.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello there!
I would like to become a Typewriter Hunter and contribute with my small “collection”. My username is southerntypist.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi, I’d like to be upgraded to a Typewriter Hunter. I’ve had 65+ machines over the past 5 years, 20 or so of which I still have. I’d love to share photos and info about them.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Sorry, forgot to mention username is CoronaKid
I would like to become too a member of your community. Your site has been very useful in picking up some typewriters I’ve bought.
I am quite new to this domain, but I find collecting and restoring machines a very pleasant hobby.
Would like to share some pictures of my rusties.
My username is LittleTypist.
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hi! I would like to be a typewriter hunter. I will upload some pics when I can!
Username: GerryPinngossa
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
may I be upgraded? my account username is pieartsy, & I added a photo and description
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
I want to become a hunter and I did everything as required!
My name is Izia Ronshtein
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (:
Hello, I just created an account and would like to be upgraded to Typewriter Hunter status. User name is SDH91. Thanks!
Welcome, Typewriter Hunter! (: