Category: From the Desk of Reverend Munk
Typecasts from the desk of the Right Reverend Theodore Munk
The 2nd Phoenix Type-In: First Peek
Just wanna tease ya with some pics of a few of the machines that made it to the 2nd Phoenix Type-In, organized beautifully by Ryan at Magic Margin at the historic Monti’s La Casa Vieja in Tempe, Arizona. More detailed typewriter and people pics are coming as soon as I write my report. (: P.S. […]
Further thoughts on typewriters at public events
Second Friday Art Walk Typewriter Table pics!
Public Typewriting at Mesa Downtown Second Fridays Art Walk!
Mesa Second Fridays Art Walk
Computers and printers are now obsolete!
A new typecaster has joined our ranks, and I’ve added a link to his blog in my blogroll. Unfortunately, his blog is in German (or Swiss or Swiss-German, I can’t tell the difference), so we English-only types might happen to miss out on this awesome video he posted. In fact, it’s so awesome that I […]
Stranger in a Strange Land
For Your Eyes Only
Reverend Munk on the Radio!
Heh, it’s been awhile since I’ve been broadcast anywhere, so it was a pleasant surprise to find out that my buddy Wayne Butane did a segment for Evolution Control Committee‘s “The Sound of Plaid” and managed to shoehorn in some of my stuff for his broadcast. You can hear it in about an hour and […]
Black IBM Selectric I (sighting)
The World of Warcrack
Now YOU can own the Unibomber’s Flattop Corona!
The Feds have finally won the case that determined whether or not they could sell off Ted Kaczynski’s stuff, and now it’s all up at auction, including his rather nice black enameled 1930’s Corona Flat-top typewriter. Act now! The auction runs from May 18 to June 2.
TRS-80 Model 100 VS Alphasmart Dana
Man, it’s been awhile since I’ve had to run TEENY.EXE to load a DOS onto a Tandy laptop. Probably the last time I did so was sometime in the 20th century, before I was smart enough to buy TS-DOS on a ROM chip for my T200. I forgot what a pain in the ass it […]
Retrocomputing Happy Mail!
The magic of encouraging words…
I have finally gotten the seller of the Tandy 200 and Model 100 I aquired some weeks ago to actually ship them. Poor fellow suffers from some sort of public spaces anxiety and was leaving me notes about his heroic attempts to forge the single block between his home and the nearest post office. His […]
Alphasmart Dana: First Impressions
Well, the Alphasmart Dana has arrived, and contrary to the Ebay ad, it did have a stylus installed already. And wow, this thing is as clean as a whistle aside from a small school item id# written discreetly on the side with a silver sharpie. C17 is this unit’s designation from its previous owner, and […]
‘I have to wash my hair’, and other reasons that Jesus will probably be a no-show for Saturday night’s Rapture Party Extravaganza…
Joining the Alphasmarty ranks?
Confession time: I’ve lusted after an Alphasmart Dana pretty much since they came out, but could never really justify dropping a couple hundred bucks on one, and the last time I checked the ‘Bay for them, even the used ones ran about $150 (about a year or so ago). So imagine my surprise and delight […]
Reflections on the past two months…
New Typecasting Blogs, Fat Black Alien Bees and the Latest Round Ribbon
The Tale of Ten Tipsy Trenchermen
Based on the serial numbers and dates I found on Machines of Loving Grace, and the serial number and date supplied by Manual Entry in reply to my last post, I’m going to estimate that my SCM Sterling hybrid Galaxie/Super-5 dates to 1964. I still wish I had good serial number data for SCM machines […]
The IBM Electric Typewriter Catalog (1960)
Another one from the file cabinet of Bill Wahl at Mesa Typewriter Exchange. The IBM Electric Typewriter Catalog of 1960! This one covers the various options and typefaces available on the Model C and Executive Electrics of 1960. If you’re a fan of these early IBM typebar electrics, you should be aware that Bill has […]
Typecation, all I ever wanted…
PS: This is post #98, I really have been a busy little beaver!
Typewriter Elitism Reconsidered
The Craigslist ad for a $15 Lettera 22 Anyone in the Phoenix area want a 1940’s Royal KMM (or HH, i can’t tell the difference) for $38?
On Communal Zen and Public Typewriting
On TEETH and the sense of A VERY BAD THING coming…
Bye Bye Bin Laden!
Looking Forward…
Hermes – Nineteen Sixty Four
My complaint for today: Browser form fields
Is Blogger broken?
I have been unable to comment on any of the typosphere blogs that use Blogger since sometime last night, yet I see other people posting comments fine. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
Backwoods Ozarks knuckledraggers toss typewriters!
Apparently they’ve been doing this for 21 years now. Video shows them destroying ugly plastic wedges, but what were they throwing off roofs in the first annual typewriter toss in the 90’s? Also, to give you an idea of how ignorant the media actually is, listen to the last line in the video: “uh, someone […]
1966 Olympia SM-9 Postcard
I was over at MTE today to drop off some flyers for the 2nd Phoenix Typewriter Round-Up, and as happens everytime I drop by, I got to chatting with Bill and this time he rummaged through his file cabinet and came up with an old Olympia postcard, which he gave to me – probably because […]
Typewriters, the turntables of the 21st Century
A deftly-anti-ocr’d rant by Fossils Without Fear Another rant couched in poetry and biology by Snohomish Writer A Softer World The Boston Typewriter Orchestra La Vie Graphite “A Day of Moments” by Joe Van Cleave