Category: From the Desk of Reverend Munk

Typecasts from the desk of the Right Reverend Theodore Munk

IBM Selectric Postage Stamps!

Hey, you can now get typewriter stamps for your typewritten letters! The USPS is offering the Pioneers of American Industrial Design “forever” stamps honoring 12 of this country’s most innovative designers, including Eliot Noyes, who designed the IBM Selectric. Get yours today and impress your fellow typospherians (:

Worldwide Typewriter Day 2011

Ted & Tori travel to the Brinton Desert Botanical Garden (like a mile away) to celebrate World Typewriter Day 2011 by typing on their matched 1964 Hermes 3000’s in the 108 degree heat. Our Typewriter day video. Hopefully watching two people type is less boring than watching one person type. :D We decided to celebrate […]