My Correspondents, and things I should remember about them: Rolodex edition.

So, I got a couple new comments on my post about the 1949 “Friends” book I found at Deseret a couple years ago, which made me ponder how useful it would be if I could make a Rolodex card that could hold more information than is usual for what you can type on a standard 4″x2 1/4″ Rolodex card (front *and* back). Well, obviously, you need more than just a front and back – that’s 2 panels. Suppose you could make a Rolodex card with 4 panels, or 8, or maybe even 16? Well, maybe not 16, as that would be a *lot of thickness and folds to do for card stock. I started sketching… I decided on a 4-Panel design and did a layout in Photoshop 7. The template is exactly centered on the page, so printing one side & flipping the page and printing again (using the same feed edge) will result in a perfectly registered print. Cut out and fold! Use your Franklin-Covey puncher and some scissors to punch the holes as noted here. Currently in the earholes:

Updated: December 23, 2024 — 3:37 pm


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  1. That’s really clever! But beware about Jimbo, he’s not very reliable of a corespondent!

    1. Ha! Jimbo’s made it to Episode 6 plus a Christmas card for 2024. Next Episode he gets the Able Prime Narrative :D

  2. Mighty brave of you to not blur out the addresses in the pictures; Maybe I’ll send ol’ Jimbo a letter!

    1. Might want to give Jimbo a call first, or shoot him an email – make sure he hasn’t dipped into FBI Witness Protection. :D

    1. Heh, you dunno the half of it – I’m already laying out “ROLODEXZINE! ONE”, a 12 or 16 page zine that is Rolodex format :D

      1. I hope you’re considering publishing that zine somewhere, I’d love to read it! Just dug up my grandad’s old Rolodex S-300C, now I need to go about filling it!

  3. Well now, I can say I’ve used Rolodexes my entire career–I just retired at the end of Dec.–and they’ve been the fastest way to find addresses and phone numbers quickly. One of the great office inventions, other than the typewriter, of course. Now I wonder if they still make the cards and card holders? I left the one I had at work for the person who’ll take my place.

    1. Yep, Rolodex still makes holders & cards, and also there’s a “MemoryDex” system that adds about an inch and a quarter to the height of the Rolodex format and markets as a “card art” system.

      They don’t make the original 3×5 Rolodex stuff from the 50’s anymore, tho.

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