It all started after staring at my test “Jimbo Ziglet” 4-Panel Rolodex card and thinking about how many pages of thinner paper I could fit in that little matchbook and still have it work in a Rolodex. Prolly too small to be useful as a notebook, but you could make a ‘Zine out of it. Hmmn, Rolodex ‘Zine. ROLODEXZINE! :D Testing out the cover layout. Having 4 holes in the ROLODEXZINE is a waste of good print real estate where real estate is already short, so I needed to figure out a way to do 2-hole Rolodex punching, which I can’t do with the Franklin-Covey puncher. I ordered one of those new Heidi Swapp “MemoryDex” punchers that Joe mentions in his Rolodex video, but got impatient and took a look at what the “Hummer” could be programmed to do. Turns out, making the Rolodex hole punch spacing is trivial for the Wilson Jones “Hummer”. Two towers & two backstops – easy! The towers can be spaced *very* close together, plenty close for the Rolodex spacing. Problem solved! That’s good, because as far as I can tell the only official Rolodex hole punch is a flimsy plastic dealy, and the Heidi Swapp puncher makes holes just a little too small for smooth Rolodex use. Whoops! This is why we test our layout. Gotta make that QR code smaller. Christmas greetings and assorted very interesting vintage magazines from Correspondent Gunier! The *THIRD* installment of the Story of the Bones from Correspondent Kristy. Coherence approaches! The pile of unanswered mail. I should have transportation in January, so the stamps will flow again. I’d better get to answering them and prepping the return letters, though, else it will get daunting.
Glad my Christmas gift made it alright!
Couldn’t help but notice you left out the copy of “The Maintenance Engineer” I sent you in the pictures; Don’t want to get on Uncle Sam’s bad side? XD
Never hurts to be too cautious (:
Also, I came up with a name for your new Rolodex zine- How does “ROLOZINE” sound?
Sounds like you want to make your own ROLOZINE. :D Want templates?
Sure, why not! I don’t have a good Rolodex to make use of if you send me one, but who’s to say I can’t send you one!
Well, you have an S300c, right? That’s the “Petite” linear Rolodex, which is the right size for the stuff I’m making: