Category: From the Desk of Reverend Munk

Typecasts from the desk of the Right Reverend Theodore Munk

The Secret Policeman

When the current “keychopper” drama on the PTF broke onto the Typosphere via Adowa’s post on Retro Tech Geneva, I made a snarky comment about Typerati Secret Police ninjas that later prompted this little vignette: …and then there’s this little snippet which I’d typed up on Einstein a day or two before – completely unrelated, […]

I need a typewriter pad…

*ADDENDUM* I attempted to make a typewriter pad out of 4 mouse pads, as I happen to have lots of these Secret Society Wars mousepads hanging around. Result: utter failure. Witness the hard shift to the left after just 3 lines of typing. The mouse pads didn’t move, but it appears the top surface isn’t […]

My First Bells

Um, yeah. That title is an obscure reference to a cassette-only release by the Minutemen in the early 80’s, so it’s probably more mysterious than meaningful to anyone other than me. :D That was a typecast I did yesterday on the Ollie 21 early in the day, then I got Ryan’s email saying the trade […]

All publicity is good publicity…

So hey – quick note: Sara got a call from a reporter for us to go meet him down at Mesa Typewriter Exchange at 4pm for an interview, possibly about Bill’s shop, but maybe something about the resurgence of interest in typewriting (elsewise, why talk to us rather than just Bill?) Hopefully I can catch […]

Practical Typewriter Collecting

Good evening, ladies and gents. Today’s sermon is for those who are newly inducted into the exciting world of collecting and admiring the writing machines of the past century. A bold journey awaits you, hidden on dusty shelves in thrift and antique stores, baking in the hot sun on rickety card tables at garage sales, […]