Category: From the Desk of Reverend Munk

Typecasts from the desk of the Right Reverend Theodore Munk

Typewriter Database: Weekend Update!

I worked quite a bit on the codebase of this weekend, building out the member’s Virtual Typewriter Collection Gallery stuff – it’s not quite ready to be rolled out for members to start uploading their collections, but it soon will be – maybe a week or two if I get some free time. If […]

Every Single Morning

Lo, these many years ago when I was a much younger and angrier soul, I had a 4-track tape recorder and a room full of guitars, amps, cheap microphones, keyboards and whatnot, and a burning desire to change the world through music. I called myself Ted Worthless and released about a half-dozen albums home-recorded on […]

Marchant Figuremaster adding machine

So, I was poking around on local Craigslist this morning, and although I don’t even remotely have an interest in collecting old adding machines, I will sometimes take a peek. Adding machines, and to a certain extent, Spirit Duplicators are like the ugly cousins of typewriters. Originally, the three were usually sold at the same […]

The Typewriter Database: Hermes serial number age list updated!

The Hermes page has been completely overhauled and updated: Patria/Swissa page updated with some numbers for Swissa: The Hermes, Swissa, Adler and Royal pages have all been updated to include the factory original platen diameters for various models. This should be helpful if you need to get your platen re-covered. (:

Adler and AEG/Mignon pages verified and updated!

Had a nice birthday surprise in my inbox this morning – Georg Sommeregger heard my plea for more serial number info for Hermes, and kindly sent me a copy of “H.F.W. Schramm, Liste der Herstellungsdaten deutscher und ausländischer Schreibmaschinen, 11th edition, Hans Burghagen Verlag, Hamburg 1962”, a comprehensive German-language age list, an earlier version of […]

Typewriter Porn at the Library of Congress…

There’s a discussion in the PTF about another copy of Clarence Leroy Jones’ ‘Typewriter Mechanical Training Manual’ having popped up, and how this copy differed from existing versions like the one at The Classic Typewriter Page. This caused me to go look up the linked versions and prodded me into pondering what other Typewriter-related ephemera […]

The New Typewriter Database

TW-DB has been an excellent resource for typewriter collectors for many years, but is apparently no longer maintained. A year or so ago, I had an email discussion with some other collectors who had tried to contact the owner and had failed, and who were concerned that the site might disappear along with all of […]