I worked quite a bit on the codebase of typewriterdatabase.com this weekend, building out the member’s Virtual Typewriter Collection Gallery stuff – it’s not quite ready to be rolled out for members to start uploading their collections, but it soon will be – maybe a week or two if I get some free time. If […]
Category: From the Desk of Reverend Munk
Typecasts from the desk of the Right Reverend Theodore Munk
MultiMedia Type-In Presentation
Whispers in the Wind: Phoenix Type-In 4
Underwood Portables: A Quandry and The Process, Plus A Shiny Clean 5TE
Shipman Ward 1954: Accessories
Third Phoenix Type-In News Report
I don’t think I ever got around to posting this after it aired last year, but here’s a local news story on the Third Phoenix Type-In at the Luxe:
1958 Smith-Corona 5TE Electric Portable
The Iron Lady – The other 5TE I found at this Deseret.
Every Single Morning
Lo, these many years ago when I was a much younger and angrier soul, I had a 4-track tape recorder and a room full of guitars, amps, cheap microphones, keyboards and whatnot, and a burning desire to change the world through music. I called myself Ted Worthless and released about a half-dozen albums home-recorded on […]
Marchant Figuremaster adding machine
So, I was poking around on local Craigslist this morning, and although I don’t even remotely have an interest in collecting old adding machines, I will sometimes take a peek. Adding machines, and to a certain extent, Spirit Duplicators are like the ugly cousins of typewriters. Originally, the three were usually sold at the same […]
Random Typecast Sept 18, 2000
New sources for the Typewriter Database, and a free offer!
Mickey Spillane’s Smith-Corona Super-Speed can be yours for only $85,000
Well, ok, the eBay auction includes 200 or so other signed early works and ephemera, but the piece de resistance is the beat-up old Super-Speed that Spillane used to write his early stuff. This is an auction that only Steve Soboroff could love, I guess, and I suspect that price tag might make even that […]
Robot Font Revival
Last Bit of fresh rubber for Little Jake
Heh, the cloth-ribbon IBM Selectric doesn’t like to type on a Matte-finish paper. It’s almost like the ink gets squeezed out of the impact point and leaves something that almost passes as an outline font.
Swank Thrift Store Finds
Selectric 72!
First Aid for Typewriters: Popular Science May 1941
First Aid for Typewriters is an article in the May 1941 issue of Popular Science which gives useful tips on keeping your typer in top shape. For tips on how an EXPERT cleans a typewriter, we need to jump to March of 1949: here. And heck, while I’m linking to fun typewriter stuff, here’s an […]
The Typewriter Database: Hermes serial number age list updated!
The Hermes page has been completely overhauled and updated: http://typewriterdatabase.com/hermes.41.typewriter-serial-number-database Patria/Swissa page updated with some numbers for Swissa: http://typewriterdatabase.com/patriaswiss.44.typewriter-serial-number-database The Hermes, Swissa, Adler and Royal pages have all been updated to include the factory original platen diameters for various models. This should be helpful if you need to get your platen re-covered. (:
On The Bench: Hermes Rocket – bendin’ stuff!
ahh yes, I went back to Ace Hardware and got some more of those rubber bushings in a slightly larger size, which work perfectly as replacement feet for the gull-wing cover Hermes Rockets.
The Typewriter Revolution is not so new
Heh, it’s funny how the starting paragraph of this article written in 1988 is almost word-for-word similar to articles being written on the subject today: Pittsburgh Press: “Just Your Type – Typewriter Survives America’s romance with high-tech office equipment” Jul 29, 1988
A Mission for Australian Operatives of The Typewriter Insurgency
Your mission, should you choose to accept it: In the Museum Victoria Library there is a book by the Office Machines and Equipment Federation called “Typewriter Age Guide“, published in London in December of 1973. The OCLC number is 741742118. The information contained in this document is potentially invaluable to the Insurgency. You are instructed […]
Shipman-Ward 1954 Line Book: Part 3: Ribbons and Repairs
On a side note, while studying the 1962 Schramm Line Book today, I noticed that part of the technical listings for each model of typewriter included the exact width and diameter of the platens offered for the machine. I will be attempting to incorporate this valuable info into the TW-DB wherever I can, as one […]
Adler and AEG/Mignon pages verified and updated!
Had a nice birthday surprise in my inbox this morning – Georg Sommeregger heard my plea for more serial number info for Hermes, and kindly sent me a copy of “H.F.W. Schramm, Liste der Herstellungsdaten deutscher und ausländischer Schreibmaschinen, 11th edition, Hans Burghagen Verlag, Hamburg 1962”, a comprehensive German-language age list, an earlier version of […]
Quandry: Hermes manufacture dates – Typewriter Database
I have a quandry. I have only two sources for Hermes serial number dating that I’m studying for corrections to TWDB. My problem is that they both claim to be lists of Jan 1st numbers for the years represented, yet they seem to be a year off from each other, and neither wholly agrees with […]
Shipman-Ward Dealer’s Line Book 1954 – Part 2: Age Lists
Part Two of this series is the “chapter” on Typewriter and adding machine age lists and serial numbers: Coming up next: Part 3: Ribbons, maintenance charge rates, platen and feed roll replacement and rebuilding rates.
Shipman-Ward Dealer’s Line Book 1954 – Part 1: Price Lists and Trade-In Values
Bill and I unearthed another treasure of typewriter dealer ephemera the other day, digging up a Shipman-Ward Office Machine Dealer’s Line Book from 1954. I had a chance to haul my laptop and a portable scanner over to MTE yesterday to scan relevant portions in. Previously, when I scanned in the old NOMDA books, I […]
The Typewriter Database: Voss page updated!
An astute reader of my last post on the update to the Royal page noted that George Sommeregger had published a list of Voss serial numbers and dates on his site which could be used to update the TW-DB Voss page. Here’s his table, translated from German to English: Easy enough, his early numbers match […]
Typewriter Database: Royal page completely revamped…
Whew! I’ve finally finished updating and correcting the TW-DB numbers for Royal, and what a mess that was. Pretty much all of the dates were wrong – at least a year off, and sometimes more in some cases. I suspect that most of it probably came from a typo that Mr. Schumann might have made […]
I want to scream and shout and let it all out…
Here’s the video. The USB Typewriter makes a couple of appearances. Just watch the whole thing.
Happy New Year, Typosphere!
Typewriter Porn at the Library of Congress…
There’s a discussion in the PTF about another copy of Clarence Leroy Jones’ ‘Typewriter Mechanical Training Manual’ having popped up, and how this copy differed from existing versions like the one at The Classic Typewriter Page. This caused me to go look up the linked versions and prodded me into pondering what other Typewriter-related ephemera […]
Off the workbench: 1959 Olivetti Lettera 22
The New Typewriter Database
TW-DB has been an excellent resource for typewriter collectors for many years, but is apparently no longer maintained. A year or so ago, I had an email discussion with some other collectors who had tried to contact the owner and had failed, and who were concerned that the site might disappear along with all of […]
Kennedy, 1953 Smith-Corona Silent-Super, with Sight-Ease No. 47 Typestyle
Meanwhile, in the Frozen North, the Tower Saga gets weirder…
Sears is and was a multinational brand, and so when I checked out the Canadian Sears-Simpson Christmas catalog for 1957 on WishBookWeb, I was not terribly surprised to find Tower-branded typewriters offered to our northern neighbors. What did surprise me is the machines they branded as Towers: A Tower-branded Patria? and what is that second […]