The latest round of thriftin’ for lenses has netted me an almost complete kit of Canon EF lenses, quite a few miscellaneous filters, a brand new spare battery charger and as a side effect of the way I’m picking up spare bits, one long-range 35mm SLR kit complete with a brand-new battery and 4 fresh […]
Category: From the Desk of Reverend Munk
Typecasts from the desk of the Right Reverend Theodore Munk
Tucson Is Bust, but Tonight We Eat Steak!
Mama, don’t take my Kodachrome away!
Update: I just found this hack for this exact older kit lens that turns it into a hypercharged macro lens, just by removing the front glass ring. If I get tired of this $14.99 lens the way it is, I will probably try this out. I will definitely do so if I find another just […]
Advice Wanted: Used DSLR Shopping
Request to Milwaukee, WI or very nearby Typewriter Collectors/Users
Typospherians near Milwaukee, WI – here’s your chance to drum up some more good press for our hobby! As posted HERE in the Yahoo Portable Typewriter Forum: Hello everyone, I’ve been asked by Meg Jones of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel if I’d be willing to be interviewed for an article on Typewriter Collectors. She asked […]
Staycation, all I ever wanted…
Monday night, and I have caught up on the Internet & emails. (:
Thunderbird, and the Evidence of The Eyes (Mercedes Corrected)
Robert Messenger’s research on the Selecta/Superba question.
Updated Mercedes Page with new serial numbers, and the debate over the K45 Superba…
This post by Robert Messenger piqued my interest over the Mercedes serial numbers in the Typewriter Database. They had not yet been updated with the newest information from Source #24, and so with Mr. Messenger’s post in mind regarding the K-45 “Superba/Selekta” issue, I delved into it. This is what Dirk Schumann had compiled from […]
Typewriter repairmen may be doing well in the US, but not so much in India
Here’s a story in the Indian Express that pretty much states that typewriter repair is a declining profession in India. It’s good at least that it’s booming in the States.
TWDB Manufacturers list additions and floppy disks and Petrus Aged Red
It’s the little things that make life worth living…
Drago’s gettin’ New Rubber!
Digital Detox
Discussion Threads for Typewriter Hunters now available at The Typewriter Database!
Typewriter hunters now have a new tool to learn more about their machines. I’ve added the ability to add Comments and Replies to Comments to the Typewriter Gallery pages. Each machine has its own Discussion Thread, and only Typewriter Hunters can View the comments. Here’s the first Discussion thread started: Which was started on this […]
Coming updates to the Typewriter Database
646 Manufacturers and Marques, 540 Typewriter Galleries. Not too bad at all! This 50 a week thing was a heady rush, but then about 3 days ago, it all fell silent. The Hunters stopped hunting, and the fields resounded with the chirping of crickets. Inactivity makes me nervous, and when I’m nervous, I get creative. […]
Mystery Machine revealed, plus jerkface Brooklyn polititian wants to ensure typewriters are obsoleted!
I guess I threw you guys a softball yesterday with that quiz. You guys had it figured right off the bat, and Will Davis earns the nod for his fast, perfect guess. See, I thought I was tossing a curveball since I’ve only ever seen this style of case contain the early electric 5TE’s, never […]
Ben Franklin – The Sharpening, and Guess The Mystery Machine!
Sewing Machines and Pencils. Too many things to geek out on…
Hit a couple thrifts today – no typewriters, but it always pays to check the baggies of stuff hanging in the “Office” section of the “randomly bagged crap” part of Goodwill. You never know what will turn up, and I check the section out religiously for Selectric Elements, various useful unopened ribbons for all sorts […]
Typewriter Database blasts past 500 individual collector’s galleries!
Whew! It’s been an exciting day for the Typewriter Database. A group of Typewriter Hunters including yours truly has been jockeying for the top spots in the Hunters list on the front page. I tried my best, resorting to uploading parts machines and updating some of my old listings with new links and pictures, but […]
Added Marques of Talleres Alonso S.A. of Valencia, Spain to Typewriter Database…
…and Richard Polt added gallery examples to almost every one of these rare Spanish marques from his amazing collection. Just six of the 50 or so new typewriter galleries that have been added by Typewriter Hunters this week. Check’m out! As you can see, I’m now 7th in most recent activity, and I’m almost out […]
Adopt A Typosaurian Today!
Note: The discussion between the two camps is just getting started, I’ll keep you up to date on what shakes out of the talks. (:
Populaire, showing tonight at Chez Munk!
I don’t know a lick of French, but Tori has a little so she might be able to make sense of the dialogue. Direct from Amazon France via a long, tortured journey through the international mail system, “Populaire” in French with French subtitles and region encoding that will put my firmware hacked DVD player to […]
Oooooh, lookit all them pretty typewriters!
Done did a few changes over at the site, fixed some bugs and redone the front page to highlight the latest typewriter hunting activity. The hunters are getting used to the tools, and this week was quite frenzied with activity. Why don’t you mosey on over and take a look?
This post will Make Adwoa squee!
I was helping a friend clean old stuff out of her house today, and guess what I got to haul away for free?
Status of Web Projects
As far as the blog is concerned, things are good. Steadily increasing pageviews, with a slump when I took medical leave and didn’t post much, but this past month was the best one ever, and this month is looking to top even that!
The Resurrection of Lazarus, Part Deux…
Montgomery Ward Signature 511D Typewriter Owner’s Manual – 1971
The Resurrection of Lazarus, Part One…
Yet another Ebay tale of heartbreak…
I should have known better. I have a “No Ebay” rule for a reason – because Ebay sellers rarely pay any attention at all to my packing instructions and the shipping companies seem to have a personal grudge against typewriters. I was so excited to find this Signature 511D on Ebay that I just went […]
An evening of beer reviews with “The Unsophisticated Palate”
Typewriter Heaven’s Beer Reviews
GodzillaJesus Checks Out The New Hottie On Floor 23
And before I leave the topic, here’s one other bit of Jesusy household decoration that I really do wish I could find in a thrift store…
Spring Typewriter Hunting Season – bagged #3! Plus more scans & photos from 4th Phoenix Type-In
The chances of anything coming from Mars were a million to one, they said…
My Signature 511D, currently in transit… Boozerbear-War_Of_The_Worlds.2007-07-21.mp3 (many parts NSFW!) Links mentioned in this post: Robert Messenger’s Omnibus post on Brother Davis Brothers’ Page on Brother @ MoLG Davis Brothers’ Best Portables to use page @ MoLG Clickthing’s posts on his Signature 513 Jeff Wayne’s Musical Verison of “The War of the Worlds”