Category: From the Desk of Reverend Munk

Typecasts from the desk of the Right Reverend Theodore Munk

Culling the Herd & Trimmin’ the Fat

1982 IBM Selecrtic III 12cpi Single-Pitch, Correcting. He Gone! 1990 IBM Personal Wheelwriter, he gone too! Probably 1990’s to early 2000’s Swintec 8014-8. Off to Greener Pastures. 1987 Brother Professional 90 (CX-90). Got tired of trying to make this into a printer. Weapon of Choice: 1956 Smith-Corona Skyriter – A Keeper! :D

Chandler Type-In – Saturday June 9, 2018

YES! {insert air guitar solo, a really ripping Glenn Branca style cacophony of multi-layered atonal scream backed with tube amplifier harmonics and subsonic bass.} Why am i so happy, you ask? The Quirky Qwerty, previously known as Jeremiah, (but now that he has joined the ranks of the Typosphere, he gets his chosen Typecaster Name, […]

Vintage Laptop Collecting?

Hmmn, looks like I have a collection of vintage laptops now. I never really thought about it because I only bought the one Thinkpad T21 at a thrift store, and the rest have been given to me because they “didn’t work” in some way or were replaced by newer machines and weren’t wanted anymore. The […]

Silly Scope Music

In 1989 I had a VHS camera, an old 1960’s tube Oscilloscope and a song to play through it to watch the squiggly green lines jump around. This is the result: The title bit is at the end, and is built from the intro to “Krazy Kitty Overdrive“, a 1990 VHS video letter I made […]