Now that’s a Mail Spread right there! Gunier’s new Thermal Print Camera is getting a workout. (:
Ooh, some new super-flexi dip pen nibs! Gunier includes a postage stamp, which will have to wait until his next letter to be used, as I’m gonna be sending a box this time. He’s also got a new wax seal set with a cool steampunky gear seal. It’s actual wax, though, which is brittle and doesn’t fare well in the mail. I’ll have to skool him on the plasticized wax seal sticks that you feed through a glue gun – much sturdier and sticks to paper better.
We’ll use the No 204 nib holder from General Pencil Co. for these new nibs.
I recall some wise old men with long, flowing beards saying something about “Every Girl is Crazy ‘Bout a Sharp-Dressed Man”, as Gunier raids his relative’s closet for vintage threads. (:
Whoops, there goes the last pre-made DVD Episode 13’s, gonna need to make some more.
Fire up the old Accutower and select Correspondence Episode 13 from the little LCD menu, toss in three blank 3″ DVDs and let ‘er rip. Three copies ready in 5 minutes flat!
Stamp ’em!
Wrap ’em fresh outta the oven!
The old CHOP stamper mounted on a marble handle.
Yeah, it’s seen better days.
Ah good, it finally got to you; Was getting worried it was lost in the post!
I’m really happy you accepted the trade deal! My camera makes good prints, but I’m not computer-savvy enough to figure out how to import images on the camera. I’ve deduced I’d have to edit the actual metadata of the image, & ain’t nobody got time for that! Else I’d have to point the camera at a screen & print it off like that, like an old Telecine. We’ve all seen The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show, so we all know a Telecine is never as good as a straight copy. It being pink’s hardly an issue; Could be covered from head to toe in “Pantone 448 C” & I wouldn’t mind! It’s all about functionality. Thanks a lot pal, means a lot to me!
You’d be surprised how many people get my name wrong. unless I tell it to them they always pronounce it is some weird fashion. It’s never the same way twice too; Everyone always finds a new way to butcher it! (You included, “Goon-Yay”‘s definitely a new one!)
I quote that Thin Lizzie song every time I suit up, it’s the straight truth! It’s not often I get to dress sharp, but that could change now that I have a suit all my own!
Yeah, trying to print photos from other sources on the camera was real hit & miss. Usually only unedited photos from cameras in the 3-5mp range would work. The Phomemo will take anything I’ve given it so far, but you’ll need a phone or a tablet to run the app, so I hope you’ve got one.
As for your name, I thought it might be Belgian or French or something. :D
Heh, just for fun, I pulled out the old 2002-03 Pantone color mixing book and found that 448 is 4 1/4 parts Rubine Red, 4 parts Process Blue (cyan), 8 parts Yellow & 4 parts Black. Makes a nice dark brown that isn’t at all unpleasant. (:
You saying it “isn’t at all unpleasant” is quite funny, studies have proven it’s the ugliest color known to man! It covers cigarette packages from top to bottom in Australia & Canada to help curb smoking rates!
Well, I’m an Autumn, so I tend to like earthtones like browns and mustards. (:
Speaking of Telecines on the toy thermal print cameras, here’s some I did during the final Typewriter Club Live Zoom meetup:
Glad my letter made it to you alright; Was getting worried it was lost in the post!
Really glad you accepted my trade deal, now I can print anything I darn well please on thermal paper! Thanks a lot pal, it means a lot to me!
You’d be surprised how many people get my name wrong. Unless I tell them, they always get it wrong. Weirder still, they always find a new way to butcher it, it’s never the same mispronunciation! (You included, “Goon-Yay”‘s a new one!