Kristy sent a panel of my very favorite discontinued stamps, so she’s covered for the next 4 letters, fortunately I plan to get to the post office today or Monday, so the rest of the un-stamped mail will go out then. (: Currently in the Eyeholes: I’ve also started moving some of my favorite music over to the JellyFin. Unfortunately, it is arduous because JF sorts music by ID3 tags, which my stuff has great inconsistencies with. A lot of my music is sampled from vinyl and so often just has a “Side One” and “Side Two” files, with no ID3 tags at all. That means I have to individually add/massage the ID3 tags and manually find the album in MusicBrainz to associate it with the right album cover FOR EVERY ALBUM. Time-consuming, but at least I can play it on the TV system now, because the TV doesn’t have a Navidrome app. Yay, 314 albums processed so far! :D