Kristy sent a panel of my very favorite discontinued stamps, so she’s covered for the next 4 letters, fortunately I plan to get to the post office today or Monday, so the rest of the un-stamped mail will go out then. (: Currently in the Eyeholes: I’ve also started moving some of my favorite music over to the JellyFin. Unfortunately, it is arduous because JF sorts music by ID3 tags, which my stuff has great inconsistencies with. A lot of my music is sampled from vinyl and so often just has a “Side One” and “Side Two” files, with no ID3 tags at all. That means I have to individually add/massage the ID3 tags and manually find the album in MusicBrainz to associate it with the right album cover FOR EVERY ALBUM. Time-consuming, but at least I can play it on the TV system now, because the TV doesn’t have a Navidrome app. Yay, 314 albums processed so far! :D
Ah, more Burroughs!
And your digital archiving keeps obliquely reminding me that I need to find the time, and a methodology, to excavate into a packed room closet (in a packed back room), and try to find and recover several boxes of floppy disks to try and recover ancient secrets from the past. I’ve recently set up some software under emulation, so…. It’s kept me away from the mechanical typers, but…. Still, there’s something rather refreshing about a DOS-based word processor interface… I’ve actually been enjoying it.
Ooh, yeah. WordPerfect 5.1 is my choice for DOS. Used to have to convert an entire thousand or so page construction materials catalog from WP5.1 to PDF on CDROM every year back before the web obsoleted that. I really liked its non-windows WYSIWYG interface. Very intuitive. (:
Also WordStar: