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  1. Would K’s photos be better because of better lighting outside? I like cursive, it doesn’t bother me, but which typer model is Thunderbird 4???

    1. no, they’re higher resolution and better contrast than the ones I’m getting. Very intrigued.

      Thunderbird 4 is a 1968 Monkey Wards 440T (Brother JP1) – same as Thunderbird 2, but different typeface.

  2. Ever since I was a child and saw a letter my Uncle sent my Grandma using a Script typewriter I have been interested in those. I have several. Scrip is fine. My favorite is the Royal Spencerian as well as one of the Oliver I have.

    Neat Thermal Camera.

  3. Do keep us updated on that thermal camera, will you? I’m planning on getting one for myself & that one seems great.

  4. Wow those are some stunning thermal toy camera prints! I too need to know what this is…. much nicer than my $26 amazon special! -Mitchell

  5. Aww man, did you ever find out what model KT’s thermal print camera is? I’m dying to know!

    1. A pink one. They don’t have brand names usually – that’s part of the issue. So many types, all different and practically undocumented.

      1. If you got a picture of it and more detailed description, I could probably find it. I’m a researcher and I’m a pretty decent internet detective.

        1. I don’t have a picture of it, unfortunately. :P

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