A large envelope in the mail last night from Correspondent Kevin K. Inside, a letter written in a very unique script face which he is keeping me in suspense concerning the name and details, other than it is on an Underwood Typemaster. Also enclosed was an article written by Mark Schrad on the whole “SS Rune on Typewriters” controversy, hand re-typed by Kevin on his Wheelwriter 2000 in different typefaces. Typographically questionable, but adds interesting flavor. A big envelope full of interesting uses of rare typefaces as per usual with Correspondent K’s Correspondence. It’s sort of a friendly competition we have lately to always surprise each other with faces we haven’t seen yet. Agent K is a master of the craft, though, and I’m running out of unique faces that aren’t Composer fonts, so I don’t feel too bad about replying using the Dana and printing with a typewriter font this time. For all porpoises in tents, he has bested me, and I may as well accept it.
In other news, the cursed drop-tested JP4 has had some organs harvested to bring another JP4 whole again, so I feel a little better about the results of that particular test. I torture myself unnecessarily over machines that go in the parts boxes, so the vindication of organ donor-ship is helpful to my psyche. (:
Currently in the earholes:
Hmmm…my comment didn’t post. The gist is that cursive font is similar to Olivetti Monza listed in the 1964 NOMDA book. Hopefully you can find the Underwood equivalent. (I always thought Olivetti designed their own types…but maybe not this?)
TC is correct. The typeface is Olivetti Monza. The trick is that Olivetti bought Underwood in the late 1950s. The Underwood Typemaster is the last in the “late” Underwood Five series from the 1960s & 1970s. On the back of my Underwood Typemaster the brand plate says “Olivetti-Underwood.”
Cool! I recognized it right away as I’ve wanted one since I laid eyes on it many months ago on this very blog, in fact. The Underwood threw me off though; I didn’t know Olivetti bought them.
See? We learn something new everyday here on TTSSASTT! (:
Now if I can just facilitate getting this face made into a 3D printed IBM ball…
I would totally line up to buy that Selectric I element! The best part is that you can get a complete character set ;)
Good eye, T!