Category: From the Desk of Reverend Munk

Typecasts from the desk of the Right Reverend Theodore Munk

Zooey Deschanel’s typewriters

Ok, so I don’t know that Zooey Deschanel collects typewriters, but after showing up at the Writer’s Guild Awards sporting typewriter-themed fingernails,the typewriter geek community can be excused for seeking out evidence of another big star being a member of our weird little cult. Well, how’s this for further evidence? In Zooey’s current show “New […]

Music: The Perfect Albums (part2:Kutiman)

For part 2 of this series on “Perfect Albums”, I’ll be focusing on the work of one artist: Israeli DJ and video artist Ophir Kutiel, AKA Kutiman. Like any other DJ, Kutiman mixes sound samples to make music. What makes Kutiman different is where he gets his samples and what he does with them. Kutiman […]

The Legion Grows…

Don, from, recently left some comments here. As I normally do, I clicked the link he left attached to his name, discovering yet another typecast blog I hadn’t seen before. Reading his post here caused me to think about the parallels in his introduction to typewriter hoarding and my own. I have the idea […]

What is PICA anyway?

So, if “Pica” is a size, or more specifically any 10 CPI font face on a typewriter, then what is the typestyle that most of us know as “Pica”? Is it Courier, or does it have a name at all, or is it just designated as numbers by different factories?