Category: From the Desk of Reverend Munk
Typecasts from the desk of the Right Reverend Theodore Munk
Corona Portables: dates of manufacture
Here’s another line chart that I’ve found to be more useful than the info on TW-DB for certain models of Smith-Corona machines. For Corona models 1-4 I generally refer to this chart, but for later models up to 1960, this NOMDA chart is very handy:
Type-Off: 1957 Underwood Golden Touch vs. 1949 Royal Quiet De Luxe
Ask Not For Whom The Typewriter Bone Tingles: It Tingles For Me!
BTW, I’m a total space case – the proper term for the DuPont finishes for these Coronas is “DUCO” not “Decco“, Hlur.
Where will we get our Typewriter Platens re-covered now?
Several people who have recently sent their typewriter platens for re-covering by Ames Supply have received this letter, along with the platens and feed rollers they’ve sent in (sometimes, luckily, already re-done!) Ames Supply Company Since 1902 May 1st, 2012 To our Valued Customer: We regret to inform you that after 110 years in business, […]
Wine of the Devil and The Typewriter Repair Manual
Underwood Portable Typewriter Serial Number List
Cameron down at Living in the Woods asked today for some date of manufacture info about his Underwood Universal, and mentioned that he couldn’t find any info in the usual sources. I looked it up in my homemade line book, composed of printouts from scans I’ve made of various paper sources, and found a good […]
Noir Detective stories and a Royal Swinger
Typewriter Evangelism hits paydirt!
Suicide is not painless.
Report: Phoenix Typewriter Round-Up / Type-In 3
Magic Margin is correct – this was the best Phoenix Type-In yet! Loads of new faces and old friends graced the event, and the press came too. Megan Finnerty from AZ Central came and did stories for the AZ Central website, The Arizona Republic paper and the NBC affiliate Channel 12 News (link to video). […]
We Done Got Married! (:
Zooey Deschanel’s typewriters
Ok, so I don’t know that Zooey Deschanel collects typewriters, but after showing up at the Writer’s Guild Awards sporting typewriter-themed fingernails,the typewriter geek community can be excused for seeking out evidence of another big star being a member of our weird little cult. Well, how’s this for further evidence? In Zooey’s current show “New […]
Music: The Perfect Albums (part2:Kutiman)
For part 2 of this series on “Perfect Albums”, I’ll be focusing on the work of one artist: Israeli DJ and video artist Ophir Kutiel, AKA Kutiman. Like any other DJ, Kutiman mixes sound samples to make music. What makes Kutiman different is where he gets his samples and what he does with them. Kutiman […]
Music: The Perfect Albums, Part 1
One Stormy Night – DJ Munk
Adventures in cleaning typewriter crinkle paint
I had to go out to way south Queen Creek this weekend, and on the way back, I hit a few Goodwills that were on the trail. I found one manual machine, a beat-up Royal 440, and stacks of wedges and other electrics. Left ’em all behind…
Not entirely an ITAM post…
I admit I did very little specifically typewriter-ish to celebrate ITAM, but I did get 2 new typewriters this month, and fixed one of ’em up. I also typed, if not every day, then a sizeable minority of them. Every day is ITAD to me. (:
A Tombstone Royal Day
Sadly, that last line of faint text is all that would come out of the QDL when it arrived…
The Legion Grows…
Don, from, recently left some comments here. As I normally do, I clicked the link he left attached to his name, discovering yet another typecast blog I hadn’t seen before. Reading his post here caused me to think about the parallels in his introduction to typewriter hoarding and my own. I have the idea […]
Happiness is a new ribbon…
The End Of The Universe
The Press <3 Us!
And now for something else completely random:
A month’s worth of randomness…
Things are good (:
On the quality of Typewriter Ribbons
A Day of Inky Fingers and fun finds!
The Hour of Twilight, Dragon Soul and even some typewriter-related stuff…
and now, some typewriter-related posting. First an Experiment In Terror: and then, an amusing thing I got in the mail. This insurance company used an Elite typewriter font to address this letter that showed up in my mailbox. I’m curious if they thought that it adds a personal touch to try and fool me into […]
What is PICA anyway?
So, if “Pica” is a size, or more specifically any 10 CPI font face on a typewriter, then what is the typestyle that most of us know as “Pica”? Is it Courier, or does it have a name at all, or is it just designated as numbers by different factories?
I am Thankful…
Kipling Fixed (with video), plus Swissa Returns!
Inspecting “Kipling” the Noisy Noiseless
UPDATE! I’ve inspected the underside of the machine and found a brittle leather pad (or at least bits of it) which appear to be the mechanism for stopping the keys at the proper distance from the platen: As to where I’m going to find a replacement for this, I dunno. I suppose I could make […]
Relax, Dear Hearts – The Iron Lady Shall Live!
Maybe I will keep it… for awhile at least…
I’ve been typing quite a lot on this ’61 Smith Corona Electric today, it’s quite fun to play with. Although I speculate below on all the parts I want to strip off of it, chances are I’ll keep it intact as long as it amuses me. Like the Dread Pirate Roberts says: “Good night, Westley. […]