I’ve been a bit tardy in keeping up with the posts reporting the 4th Phoenix Type-in, but you’ll have to excuse me becauseĀ it’s officially Spring Typewriter Hunting Season! Thousands of people across the country are spring cleaning, and donating unwanted stuff to thrift stores every day this month – and that means fresh, new […]
Category: From the Desk of Reverend Munk
Typecasts from the desk of the Right Reverend Theodore Munk
Jesus Loves Me, This I Know, For The T-Bone Tells Me So…
Return Of The Typewriter Bone: 1968 Monkey Wards Signature 440T (Brother)
And, just for Adwoa, some more sewing machine sightings. She remarked about the table the last one was mounted in, and it’s worth noting that around these parts, probably 70% of the sewing machines I see are mounted in nice tables, usually very swank Danish-style tables…
Phoenix Typewriter Round-Up Type-In 4: Second Report
Phoenix Typewriter Round-Up Type-In 4: First Report
Typewriter haters at Gizmodo hate on Typewriter Insurgent at Starbucks
Philistines, hating on someone who’s enjoying a nice pleasant afternoon typing at Starbucks. Hope they get lots of computer viruses delivered to them by the People’s Revolutionary Army. :P I suppose they’d be happier if he succumbed to the omnipresent propaganda telling him to buy a $200 Chromebook that will last him a couple years […]
UJTU: New feature @ typewriterdatabase.com
IBM Model C Standard Typewriter Users Guide (1972)
From the archives of Bill Wahl:
Something for everyone: My 333rd Post!
This post is number 333 for this blog, on my third year, so I seem to be averaging 111 posts a year (that’s for Al, who gets unduly excited about the number 11). Not too bad, and far better than I expected to be able to do. I could do more, though. Many things I […]
Royal HH Typewriter User’s Manual, 1952
Ya gotta love free vintage paper & ribbons…
Fourth Phoenix Type-In Banner!
Mentat Typists?
(Time to confuse Teeritz with another obscure Sci-Fi reference…) I found this odd bit of traffic in this morning’s report from the Typerati Subspace Signals Section:
ITAM Appreciation: “Joanie” 1964 Hermes 3000
It won’t matter what these fields are called in your application. Here is a list, in order, of what fields should be exported. “Required” fields, if left blank, will result in that record not being imported: 1) Manufacturer/Marque [required](brand) Note: This field will be matched against typewriterdatabase.com’s table of manufacturers. if an exact non-case sensitive […]
ITAM Appreciation Post: “Easy” 1964 Hermes 3000
Cyberstalking previous owners of your typewriter, and the News From Lake Woebegone
Typewriter Hunters: New Feature Added to TypewriterDatabase.com
type-in.org launched!
I’ve set up a list of past and future type-ins at type-in.org, let me know if I’ve missed any from the past or that are coming up. If you are planning a Type-In, please be sure to let me know so I can list it on the Type-In Page.
Tilting for Visibility: Travel Typewriters and TRS-80 Model 100’s
Empire Aristocrat Tripod Field Typewriter – Part 2
Tripod-Mounted Empire Aristocrat Field Typewriter
Type-Ins not just for Typospherians anymore!
This article in the Beaver County PA Times announces a Type-In at Cafe Kolache on Feb 23rd, and as far as I can tell, the promoter, a Beaver County author and typewriter collector Valentine J. Brkich, is not a Typospherian. (although he should be) This could be the first “Type-In” held by a non-Typospherian, and […]
Happy Valentine’s Day, Typosphere!
This is the last 7 pictures on my phone:
Predictably, an Olivetti Valentine article in a design magazine On Valentine’s Day
The Scandalous Valentine Ettore Sottsass Wanted to Give You in All Capital Letters Surprisingly well-informed, but again neglects to mention Sottass’s lack of involvement with the final design.
Royal Empress Typewriter Owner’s Manual, 1961
On a personal note, I love this manual because it’s a really fine example of old-school spot color design and printing, which was far cheaper to do back in 1961 than full-color process printing. Nowadays it’s far cheaper to do 4-color than this sort of exacting color knockouts and fill halftones, and you just never […]
Thousands of typewriters stored at the bottom of the ocean?
This article in the Sioux City Journal about a retiring typewriter repairman has an interesting line in it: The brothers also cleaned and bagged typewriters for the Army and Navy and then transported them to Chicago. The typewriters were sealed up and put in an unusual place. “I asked them, what they do with them […]
IBM Executive Typewriter Operator’s Manual – 1950’s
This is for Dwayne at VTO, who just picked up a sweet Executive, and would probably like to know how to work it. From the archives of Bill Wahl.
Beta Testers for Typewriter Database Wanted!
Typewriter Database is now seeking typewriter collectors who have photos of their collections and serial numbers handy to beta-test the Typewriter Gallery Uploader. If you would like to be among the first intrepid Typewriter Hunters to upload typewriter galleries for your collection and sightings, please leave a comment below indicating you would like to be […]
Show all 603 Known Typewriter Manufacturers and Marques…
The Typewriter Database Manufacturers and Marques page…
The 4th Phoenix Typewriter Round-Up & Type-In
Corona 4 – Colored 49’ers crushed by Some Team I’d Never Even Heard Of…
Damn and blast you, eBay!
*Sigh*, I’m getting consistently sniped anytime I bid on things on eBay. This time I’m extra-sad because the item that got sniped from me at the last second now was this: Ames General Catalog No. 9, which is very likely the same or a newer edition of source #11 for the Typewriter Database. It’s a […]
Feature Comparison: The Blue Bomber VS 1970 721
The Blue Bomber: Part 2
My goodness, I sure get reactions when I write about electric typewriters! Seems there’s some protest over the idea of repainting the Blue Bomber, enough so that I feel I should justify that idea. I feel it should be noted that The Bomber already has been repainted – the original color was a smooth, lighter […]