Category: From the Desk of Reverend Munk

Typecasts from the desk of the Right Reverend Theodore Munk

Typewriter Repair 101: Adjusting Vertical Typeface Alignment (Carriage-Shift Typewriters)

In part One of this Typewriter Repair 101 series, we discussed adjusting the typeface alignment on Basket/Segment-shifted typewriters. One question that came up pretty quickly was the basket-shifted Royal QDL, which has a more complex 4-point adjustment system that is similar to Carriage-shifted machines. Today, we’ll examine some examples of these carriage-shifted machines, and adjust […]

Deja Vu All Over Again – The Twin Brother

My other 1968 Monkey Ward 440T The 1968 Monkey Wards catalog that shows these 440Ts A Review of the Minolta Hi-Matic AF Adorama Step-down adapter, 52mm-46mm Interesting Note: If you compare this machine’s serial number to the other 440T, you’ll see that “Thunderbird I” (A8823345) rolled off the line in January 1968, and 37,088 machines […]

Typewriter/Art: “Pope Leo: El Elope”, 1969

POPE LEO: EL ELOPE @ From the bp Nichol site: “While his initial attempts at writing in the early 1960s produced fiction and lyric poetry, Nichol first garnered international attention in the late 1960s with his hand-drawn concrete and visual poems—poems in which he brilliantly works against the conventions of the traditional lyric poem […]