Category: From the Desk of Reverend Munk
Typecasts from the desk of the Right Reverend Theodore Munk
Stop me before I thrift again, the teaser edition…
Flashback: Infrared photography @ Make Magazine Oh, here’s some teaser photos I’ve taken with the accessory lenses:
Thriftin’ trip to Tucson, Kon Tiki again and wedding ring tattoos! (:
Kon Tiki was our lunch stop again – they were having some sort of Luau event, and we got our “United States of Aloha” Passports. If we drink every cocktail they serve, we get a swag bag. Vampire barbeques a wonderful dinner of marinated chicken, sweet potatoes, grilled banannas, pineapple and other fruits. Deee-lish! :D […]
Lens mount mystery: Tele-Lentar 1:5.5 f=300mm
Of all the lenses I have picked up at thrift stores, I have been able to identify every mount save one: This Tele-Lentar 300mm prime telephoto lens. So, I am appealing to the Intartubes for help. The lens has some sort of swappable intermediate mount, so I really have 2 chances of figuring out an […]
Olive Oil on Cotton Balls, great title for a Popeye fanfic, but is also fantastic on Bakelite.
Art Deco Bakelite Cigarette boxes
Finally got my letter from the Register…
“Lettering in futility: the art of being ignored” by Keith Sharon. Keith Sharon’s “Mail Bonding” (behind a paywall, caveat emptor.) Project 88 @ The Typosphere
The Best Traveling Typewriters, IMHO…
Laptop Typewriters: What’s the best travel mate? @ I dream lo-tech
You can’t always get what you want.. oh, wait, you actually can…
The only problem with collecting thrift store camera lenses is that you can only keep so many of them in your kit. That’s fine – you really only need a couple of lenses most of the time, but what do you do with the rest? I was lucky enough to score the big gold metal […]
Thriftin’ for more lenses: The Wide-Angle edition
Camerapedia on the Mamiya/Sekor TL series Pentax Forums on the Vivitar 135mm F2.8 Auto Telephoto Club Snap on the Vivitar 28mm 1:2.5 Auto Wide-Angle
Thrift Store Camera Gear: attaching the Hi-Matic AF lenses to my Canon, and the tiniest SLR I’ve ever seen
I got the adapter ring that allows me to attach these filter-thread-mount Hi-Matic AF lenses I picked up last week to my Canon lenses (well, actually, every lens I have with a 52mm filter thread, which is maybe 5 or 6 of them), and gave them a try. The results were unexpectedly tame, as these […]
Typewriter Repair 101: Adjusting Vertical Typeface Alignment (Carriage-Shift Typewriters)
In part One of this Typewriter Repair 101 series, we discussed adjusting the typeface alignment on Basket/Segment-shifted typewriters. One question that came up pretty quickly was the basket-shifted Royal QDL, which has a more complex 4-point adjustment system that is similar to Carriage-shifted machines. Today, we’ll examine some examples of these carriage-shifted machines, and adjust […]
Typewriter Repair 101: Adjusting Vertical Typeface Alignment (Segment/Basket-Shift Typewriters)
UPDATE: Teeritz asked about his Basket-shifted Royal QDL, which does not have the simple single adjustment point. I took a look at one of my QDL’s and he’s right. Instead of the simpler adjustment that the basket shift allows, Royal went with a 4-point adjustment system near the carriage rails that is similar to the […]
Mini Type-In in AZ, while the Typerati party in London…
Will the circle be unbroken?
Deja Vu All Over Again – The Twin Brother
My other 1968 Monkey Ward 440T The 1968 Monkey Wards catalog that shows these 440Ts A Review of the Minolta Hi-Matic AF Adorama Step-down adapter, 52mm-46mm Interesting Note: If you compare this machine’s serial number to the other 440T, you’ll see that “Thunderbird I” (A8823345) rolled off the line in January 1968, and 37,088 machines […]
Postcards From The Typosphere!
Rob Bowker’s “Postcards From The Typosphere” can be yours now!
A little rain, a lotta nice sunset and cloud-enshrouded moon… and cat hair in my camera..
Frackin’ with the NSA and The Wonders of Carbon Paper
Shootin’ The Vege
Smith-Corona Classic 12 in Script! :D
OLYMPIA page updated and corrected at
The OLYMPIA page has been updated and corrected. OMEF 1980 expanded the serial number range of existing models (SM models gained *13* years of new serial number data and is now complete from 1950 to 1979!) In addition to expanded and corrected date ranges for SM1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9, SF & Traveller, SG Models and most of the […]
Typewriter Database Updates: Olivetti, Silver Reed, Addo
The Olivetti page has been completely redone. With the addition of OMEF 1980 and a re-examination of Schramm 1962, quite a few numbers have changed and a lot of models have been added. Additionally, I’ve added Platen Diameters and some notes from OMEF 80 that state in no uncertain terms that dating an Olivetti from […]
The OMEF Age Guides, 1971-1980: Brother Typewriters
With many thanks to Peter Brill in Australia and Rob Bowker in the UK, we have obtained copies of three known editions of the OMEF Typewriter Age Guide: October 1971, December 1973 and October 1980. A differently sourced copy of the 1973 edition is what was used as Source #6 by Dirk Schumann in compiling […]
Typewriter/Art: “Pope Leo: El Elope”, 1969
POPE LEO: EL ELOPE @ From the bp Nichol site: “While his initial attempts at writing in the early 1960s produced fiction and lyric poetry, Nichol first garnered international attention in the late 1960s with his hand-drawn concrete and visual poems—poems in which he brilliantly works against the conventions of the traditional lyric poem […]
Found me a camera repair guy, plus more Thrift Store Photo Gear
Arizona Camera Works 3120 North Arizona Avenue # 104, Chandler, AZ 85225 (not 3150!!!) (480) 926-0282
The Hot Hot Heat and further ruminations on a 1988 Brother Charger 11
Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou? (“right here in this thrift store”, says the Typewriter Bone)
Binoculars: I bet you can’t eat just one!
Bazooka Joe and the Black Helicopters of DOOM!
A Merry Typewriter Day To All, And To All A Good Night!
Bill Wahl installs Drago’s fresh new platen at his shop on Main Street. Bill’s Olympia Model 8, a popular machine at the last Type-In. The Monsen Type Manual of 1961 was a 2-volume 1,500 page monster. Some more info on the Monsen Type Manual.
We Like The Moon, ‘Cuz It Is Close To Us…
There’s some weird Doppler-effectish color shift at the top and bottom of the moon. Blue-shifted at the top and red-shifted at the bottom. I wonder if that’s subtle camera shake or lens imperfection. Taken with Canon 20D, Five Star 500mm mirrorless lens:
Fun with manual focus lenses of extreme power
I finally got my Nikon F to Canon EF adapter, and it works wonderfully. I played around with it a bit yesterday, learning the ins and outs of the two Nikon lenses I picked up and the macro adapter that came with them: The 75-150mm lens is simply awesome. It’s a short range for telephoto, […]