note the forward-leaning exclamation mark not only prints that way, but is painted on the keytop that way. weird. Includes a “1” since there is no lower-case “l”. See this thing @ the Typewriter Database.
Category: From the Desk of Reverend Munk
Typecasts from the desk of the Right Reverend Theodore Munk
A frenzy…
The News from the North
This typecast was written Tuesday, and since then I’ve been inundated with raw scans and a spreadsheet put together by TypesHalfSpaces. A vertitable treasure trove of information on the RaRo type foundry, which I have not had time yet to process. However, look for a big reveal on Georg Sommeregger’s blog soonish regarding the RaRo […]
Oh, good Jebus, what have I gotten myself into?
Airstrikes, Photography and Babies. an UJTU
Links to fun stuff: CHDK – The Canon Hacks Development Kit.
Sweat, Gold and the Olivetti Ribbon Cover Exchange Chain…
The birth of the Olivetti Ribbon Cover Exchange Chain… Mr. Messenger’s blaze of heatstricken posting continues unabated… Mr. Petersen’s soon-to-not-be-lidless Olivetti Lettera 32…
Six Dollah Smith-Corona Corsair cleans up real nice!
Caffenol-C/C-41: Rolls 11 & 12 – Pushed development
On the advice of Notagain yesterday, I looked up what “push processing” was and simply enough it means “develop it longer”, which is a developing technique that allows you to fix underexposed negatives in development. Well, OK then. I shot a couple test rolls on the Nikon at 100ISO (using 400ISO C-41 film expired 9-2001) […]
Caffenol-C/C-41 project: 10 rolls in…
Caffenol-C/C-41 test #1 (success!)
Finally got my Paterson Universal developing tank in the mail today, and so I embarked upon developing my very first roll of film since about 1988. Just to make things interesting and cheap, I had prepared by obtaining 70 some-odd rolls of various C-41 process color print film that were well past their expiration date. […]
A Wedding, and the importance of multiple redundancy in your gear…
Straight into the raging flame…
Dad’s last trip to the lake.
Drove up to the mountains to0day with the family in town to spread my pop’s ashes out in one of his favorite fishing spots. Shot on vintage 2001 Sony DSC-F707 camera in “nightshot mode” (hot glass out of line), at near-infrared – Still using just a deep red filter to block light below about 500 […]
Caffenol-C/C-41 project, prepatory phase report
This agent has obtained the three primary ingredients of Caffenol film developer in a harrowing and dangerous trip to the corner grocery store. The Washing Soda and Coffee were easy; I picked the cheapest, nastiest instant coffee available – grand total cost for these two ingredients: $7. The Powdered Vitamin C proved trickier. I even […]
Seventy Rolls of film on the wall, seventy rolls of film…
Having a Royal Christmas Week (:
Merry Christmas Typosphere! (:
(Sp)ACE CADET, The ACE Cadet #302 (Stapler Week Continues)
Typewriter Gallery #1000 reached with Michael H’s 197X Smith-Corona Coronet Automatic 12
Here it is, Typewriter Gallery #1000:
Typewriter Database Report: only 7 more galleries left to reach 1000! :D
That’s right, there’s just over a week left until the new year, and the Typewriter Hunters are about to smash through our goal of 1000 typewriter galleries like a football team through a Gatorade banner – probably before Santa saddles up Rudolph for his annual reverse burglary run. Just 7 more to go! In examining […]
977 Typewriter Galleries in, only 23 more to reach 1000!
I just imported 50 records from Michael H’s personal collection database, so we are now at 977 galleries. The race is on for #1000! I was bothered by having the whole front page all be photo-less entries, though, so I changed the query that populates the front page so that it only shows galleries that […]
Shooting Studio, The Typosphere Strikes again, and other thoughts for the new year.
For the new year, I am planning on adding a few data fields to the Typewriter Database: 1) Price Paid (USD) 2) Year Purchased This data will be compiled, but not shown on the individual typewriter galleries. Instead, once there is a sufficient number of data points in there, I am pondering running generalized […]
1968 Olivetti Studio 45 needs ribbon cover!
UJTU: More weirdly developed vintage film, and another stroll down memory lane, PLUS: The Green Hornet!
A Stroll Down Memory Lane: 1989
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
My Selectric Element Collection
Well, someone asked, so here’s all of the typeballs in my little plastic font box:
The Red Ryder Rides Again, and The Holiday Case, by Smith-Corona…
Typewriter Database Report: Some Questions Answered, and a Challenge.
Here’s a challenge: We’re at 874 Typewriter Galleries entered right now. Who thinks we can get to 1000 galleries entered by the official 1-year anniversary of the new Database on January 1?
Fun with a 135mm and macro tubes
Oh Good Lord – Starting down the 35mm Film Path…
Typewriter Database Report: 696 Maunufacturers, 844 Typewriter Galleries, 383 Typewriter Typefaces and 67 Typewriter Hunters!
Right now, I’m still the highest-scoring hunter due to the photo and typesample-rich entries I’ve done, but Nick Beland is hot on my heels and I’m down to just one more typewriter to enter. I sense I will be toppled from the throne soon, now that there actually is a page that counts the scores. […]