Category: From the Desk of Reverend Munk

Typecasts from the desk of the Right Reverend Theodore Munk

Desk Cats

Ahh, desk cats, those curious felines who sit on your desk next to your typewriter and stare at you while you type, subtly shedding fur that gets into your segment and occasionally refusing to budge from your carriage return path.  Most are only a minor bother, and make up for it by being cute and […]

Paymaster Series 8000 Ribbon Writer

Ok, I admit it. I finally met the Checkwriter I couldn’t resist.  As a thrift-huntin’ typewriter collector, I occasionally see a Paymaster Checkwriter sitting in the same general area that typewriters are stashed. Although always intrigued and tempted by these neat very mono-purpose printing machines, I’ve always held back on buying one (and you do […]

That touch of Silk…

While my original impression was that the two fractional characters when typed together (similar to the smiley face on GP “Sunshine Script” elements) made a logo that looked like the Union 76 oil company logo, the Professor remarked that it looks more like a logo that was commonly used during the USA Bicentennial celebrations of […]

Typewriter Rainbow

I woke up this morning to a fine, beautiful rainbow supplied by Nick B: Speaking of the Typewriter Database, I mentioned before that I had an effort going to obtain the old expired “” domain in order to point it to the new Database, thus re-validating hundred of hard-coded links that people have put on […]