Tape Pals Omega XL Round One Completes!

A delightful surprise in the mail for my birthday! :D It’s the Tape Pals Omega XL package, back from its round trip through Correspondents Gunier and Gregory! Lots of fun includes in the box. The TINY THINGS collection so far – A Mother Mary, a tiny Scrying Orb and an Acacia Stenophylla seed. The things we include will need to be increasingly tiny, as there is only so much room in the vial. I rummaged around for something suitably tiny and settled on my remaining Concentrated Consecrated Blood of Christ pellets, issued by the Church of Rome to Demon Hunters back when such things were relevant to my life. Intended to be inserted into the nose of a .357 Magnum Spelunker round, these can turn a Class 5 Demon into a steaming pile of ash in 2 seconds flat at ranges out to 50 yards. I asked El Papa one time how they managed to keep making them 2000 years after the initial blood donation to the Holy Grail, and He said it was a “Loaves & Fishes” kind of deal, so I suppose I can get more if I need ’em. I doubt my Tape Pals will need to slay demons anytime soon, but I found they’re pretty good for curing headaches when pressed to the forehead. I’ll leave it to my Correspondents to find any other minor miracles hidden in the petrified blood. Reading the letters while sampling the tape! Initial thoughts written down with a fountain pen gifted by Gregory when he was here.

Updated: January 7, 2025 — 11:57 pm


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  1. Aw great, it finally got to you! I hope the programs I included on my CD come in handy; Maybe you might even use them for your own sides! Please, ship it out double-quick; Been itchin’ to record Episode 2 for months now!
    Also, Happy Birthday; I hope you had fun!

    1. Heh, just finished my mix! (:

  2. Ok, I have to ask, does your birthday coincide with the Epiphany? Cause, if it does, welcome to the club!

    BTW, I absolutely love the pellet-toting cross. (And, yeah, all I’m hearing is Valek malevolently intoning to Jack Crow, “Give me the cross!”)

    The tiny scrying orb is cool, too. But I think I spend more time “eyelid scrying” than anything else. ;-)

    Happy belated birthday!

    1. Yep, same as Carl Sandberg and a certain 4-year-old Day of Infamy. :P

  3. Oh, joy! I guess you might say I was guided by the spirit to ensure you a birthday present of sorts, despite the fact that I didn’t even know when your birthday was. You are correct. This format of correspondence is completely engaging and worthwhile; a small price to pay in time. I look forward to participating as long as you will have me. Thanks for including me!

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