Agreed: cheap typewriters will still be around for a long time, and they have endless creative possibilities. There’s no need to be a big spender in order to participate in the typewriter insurgency.
Good to know you hate Disney too!
I’ve sworn off the cult/gang of mouse for many years, even got my folks to do the same! Can’t say I’ve ever found a $5 typewriter, best I’ve encountered is 15. Given how badly the $15 one sucked, I can only imagine what a fiver would feel like!
Not so much *hate* the Mouse, but am really disappointed at what it’s done to a lot of my favorite franchises. Can’t blame ’em, just don’t want to watch what they poop out. :P
I needa dig out my thermal typewrter. Only I don’t know in which box on which stack on what it is stored.
Someone needed to keep the hair gel people in business.
Agreed: cheap typewriters will still be around for a long time, and they have endless creative possibilities. There’s no need to be a big spender in order to participate in the typewriter insurgency.
In addition to thrift stores, I’ve found great prices at open air flea markets in upstate NY and in MA.
Good to know you hate Disney too!
I’ve sworn off the cult/gang of mouse for many years, even got my folks to do the same! Can’t say I’ve ever found a $5 typewriter, best I’ve encountered is 15. Given how badly the $15 one sucked, I can only imagine what a fiver would feel like!
Not so much *hate* the Mouse, but am really disappointed at what it’s done to a lot of my favorite franchises. Can’t blame ’em, just don’t want to watch what they poop out. :P