So I was playing around with a couple of scrap Rolodex cards and I discovered a few useful things:
You can stick a Rolodex card into a Franklin Covey Classic hole puncher, punch it, then flip it over and punch it again, and you’ll find that the middle two Rolodex card holes line up perfectly with two punches in the FC365 puncher, leaving them undisturbed – and adds two holes in the corners of the card that allow you to bind the cards in FC365 type binders *and* with EDCN-style ACCO Prong Fasteners! You can even loop a ring into one of the holes for a quick Hipster PDA download of your Rolodex data for portable use! When you’re done, unbind the cards and they slot right back into your Rolodex! :D Side note: Rolodex cards fit perfectly in Cassette cases. Hmmmn..
They fit 2-Up in Day-Timer/FC365 style binders!
Yet another benefit of the happy coincidence of the FC365 holes lining up with the Rolodex ones is you can punch Rolodex holes with an FC365 hole punch. So, I made up a Template for Rolodex cards and printed out reference cards for some of my Corral.
First you punch one side, then flip it over and punch the other for that extra hole.
Use small scissors to snip out the bottoms of the middle two holes like so.
Wella! New Rolodex cards, compatible with FC365, EDCN, ACCO & Hipster PDA! :D
Typesample goes on the back of the card. Use a card holder to easily roll the cards in and out.
The Rolodex is truly a retro technology that deserves some love and attention.
Tis why I love the serendipity of what the Thrift Gods bring. The old Type-N-Talk sessions had some back-n-forth about various older Rolodex type systems, and I never considered the plastic/woodgrain variation as an option until one showed up un-used for stupid cheap. Would never have discovered the interesting compatibilities otherwise. (:
I never would’ve thought of a way to make my own Rolodex cards–thanks for this post!
I strive to discover, and live to serve (: