The stamps scanned above have gold and silver metallic embedded art, but my scanner renders anything reflective as black, so there ya are. /:
Currently in the earholes:
(sometimes yah brain gotta take a hard left turn into silliness after a dream like Episode 16…) Ha! Just kidding, I’m actually listening to this, which is weirder and sillier than that, but benefits from the fact that it actually exists and I’m actually listening to it. I reserve the right to test your pedantry by presenting you with musical items that are not really real, but then again, I may not. Muhahaha! :D
Ha! Tricked you again! They *both* actually exist, and I was listening to them mashed together! :D
:D Where oh where do you find such music?
More fun to come in 2024…
As a full-fledged wooden nickel carrying member of the Atlanta Typewriter Club, this warms my heart.
Uh oh…looks like I need to up my TFofR&C game!
Total Fortune of Rubles & Cheese?
Not even close…keep ’em guessing, I always say… ;)
But I am only concerned with you upping your Rubles & Cheese game. I hope to see some evidence of your increase in this wealth in your next letter. (: