Weapon of Choice: 1959 Smith Corona Skyriter #3Y 210063
Typewriter Club LIVE 2023-05-07:
Heh, I just noticed on re-watching the TCL meetup that Brian G wore his Galactic Federation of Typewriter Repair Rangers shirt, but was working on his Panasonic folding record player. Franklin-Covey “Classic” hole puncher – at a thrift store near you!
Two sizes of typing/notebook paper, all FC Classic punched for EDCN or FC365 storage
My new desktop
Currently in the Earholes:
Oh hey, check it – New EBN. Jack Danger’s at it again!
Nicely done!
Enjoy that you take the time to do this Mr. Munk. It is enjoyed on this end.
It was good to be back in the meeting. It was fun watching you rearrange your OBS layout. (I was watching.) I’ve streamlined my podcast editing process and already knocked out an episode from today’s meeting. It’s available for your listening pleasure.
listened! (:
I was playing around with OBS for a while this morning, but couldn’t get satisfactory results. Then I got distracted by my stereo, as you say. :) I love me some Jack Dangers, too! I was lucky enough to see MBM and 808 State at the same show back in ’93. Feelin’ _old_ tho… :)
as Johnny Rico said: “We’re the old men now, Ace.” :D
It’s been a minute since I’ve been on TCL. Miss ya, Ted! Gregory and I keep missing paths as I’ve been busy a lot of Sunday afternoons lately. Luckily I can keep up with your creative wonders through your blog. Thank you for all you do for the Typosphere!
Miss you too – but I know you’ve been busy being with your pops, still sending good vibes your way (: