I set aside a bit of a rainy Saturday to savor the “Guth’s Time in Texas” mixtape and write a Correspondence Episode reply to the sender.
Weapon of Choice: “Richard The Deep Breather” 1925 Corona 4 #H506286
Guth said something about being rusty at mixtapin’, but it doesn’t show here in “Guth’s Time in Texas Mix”. A nice mix of bands he saw more than once in Texas while he lived there some years. He liked them enough to purchase the band’s CD/LP/Cassette, and this is a nicely curated mix of music from a variety of media formats that evokes a place and time (the first going postal, anyone?) and I undoubtedly would never have heard any of it before Bill presented it to me. Excellent liner notes and track listings as well. A+ work!
Hmmn, I have 3 mixtapes and one mix CD here sent to me by Correspondents. They’ve been digitized & scanned and are safely stored in my Correspondence directory. Now what to do with them?
Right back at’cha, Bill! Ooh, there’s a peek at Episode 8 sitting on the Executive Decision Maker – still workin’ on that Episode, but I think I’ll have it done soon.
Wow! As one guy who never ever made a mix tape, I am impressed with the idea of having tapes circulating. Could it even be accessible in a secret Discord channel.
Good thoughts. I’m glad to know that you got some enjoyment out of the tape. Definitely looking forward to the next installment of your correspondence series.
By all means, pay the mixtapes forward! And thanks for Episode 2 in my own mailbox; response forthcoming.
If I only had time. I know I have some mixtapes from years back, and I have a ton of reel to reel automation tapes that I still play. Now I could put those on a tape with little effort since each tape deck has the 25Hz filter and can start the next deck and the next deck stop the former. Now to find good metal cassette tapes that are affordable….
pff, *affordable Type IV’s? good luck with that. Brian G. did send his on a nice Chrome tape, but last I checked, Type IV is going for Typewriter Money.