Feeling Blessed for The Holidays

Weapon of Choice: 1983 Brother EP-20

“New” Dell Studio XPS from Key Snap. 6-Core AMD Phenom II X6 1045T @2.70GHz, 8gb RAM, Video: EVGA GeForce GTX 750ti w/2gb RAM. All set up and workspace cloned..

The Old machine that the XPS replaces – a 4-Core i5 Intel, 6gb RAM, no video card. I’ll be rebuilding this one into a video recorder…

Weapon of Choice: “Little Jake”, 1933 Monarch Scout

Updated: December 24, 2018 — 12:07 am


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  1. Merry Thermal Xmas to you!

  2. How many rolls of thermal paper do you want? I just ordered a case of it for my recently acquired EP-20. I hope to post on it this week.
    One of my favs for relaxing to sleep is Walter Carlos (before he became Wendy) Sonic Seasoning double LP. Very relaxing MOOG music.
    I look forward to the H3k Bible. I’ve done more repairs and restorations to those than any, and now I’ll have the instructions.
    Merry Christmas!

    1. ooh, another EP-20 convert! I’ve got plenty of thermal paper now – I was thinking of spreading the love around myself. :D
      Heh, I have “Sonic Seasonings” on my own playlist, but the copy I have lists it as “Wendy Carlos”, so I’m not sure if this is a recording from before or after Carlos changed his/her name. Might just be a re-issue. Certainly more relaxing than the Bridges album. (:

  3. Thermals essential for the holiday season! Hope they keep you warm this Christmas :)

  4. I’m glad to see you’re enjoying both your digital and analog tech this holiday season!

    My sleepy-time audio is usually a cassette of Stephen Fry reading one of the Harry Potter novels. I got lucky and scored the lot of them at Mesa Thrift a few years ago. Sadly, they’re beginning to wear out and we yanks can’t get our hands on Stephen’s versions without digital skulduggery.

  5. Hi there! This is totally off your topic but I’m stumped. I have an old ‘Underwood’ typewriter serial #S14-5822225 that I cannot match up in the various data bases online. It weighs at least 20 pounds, has black keys with a few green ones but the logo is not the vintage looking name UNDERWOOD. It has 2 crests (like wings) on either side of the Underwood name and looks more recent. I tried doing a search on the logo over the years but came up with nothing. It looks like the plate with the logo was a refurbishment and there is a similar newer face plate protecting the keys. Can you help me? Thank you for your time.

    1. #S14-5822225 is an “S” model, 14″ carriage, built in late 1945.

      1. Oh my gosh, thank you so, so much!!! Can I send you baked goods? My cookies are amazing.

  6. Ha! I just put a bid in on a Typestar 220 this morning! How did you like it compared to your 4?

    1. dunno – I don’t have a 220 :D

      1. Oops, my mistake!

        When you said “A fella named Luke will be picking up a Typestar 220-II soonish…” I though you meant from you. I know you’ve got a fair collection of thermies so I thought you had sold him one.

        BTW, I wonder what will happen to thermal fax paper when it’s 120+ degrees here during the summer…

        1. oh, yeah – fella on Faceblooke. We preached the Thermal Gospel and converted ‘im. :D

          anyway, kinda sounds like I oughta bring a roll or two of this new paper for you – since you have joined the cult as well (:

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