Culling the Herd & Trimmin’ the Fat

1982 IBM Selecrtic III 12cpi Single-Pitch, Correcting. He Gone!

1990 IBM Personal Wheelwriter, he gone too!

Probably 1990’s to early 2000’s Swintec 8014-8. Off to Greener Pastures.

1987 Brother Professional 90 (CX-90). Got tired of trying to make this into a printer.

Weapon of Choice: 1956 Smith-Corona Skyriter – A Keeper! :D

Updated: August 23, 2018 — 12:01 am


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  1. I’ve never had a problem getting rid of any electric. Lately I have been taking manuals I seldom use to type-ins to give to others interested in typing. Somehow my collection keeps growing though.

  2. I’m at a stage where I’d like to get rid of a few machines, but I’ve been lazy where eBay is concerned. And I just sold a watch for $700 and got hit with a $163 eBay fee. Ouch!!! Definitely a buyer’s marketplace now.
    I would take one or two of them to a thrift store, but then I remember what I paid for them to begin with. All purchased from the US with scary shipping costs.
    And I agree with you, Reverend. No ‘one last page’ before getting rid of them.

  3. Sorry, who’s MTE?

    I’m still new, but I’ve been collecting typewriters furiously–it’s the best way to learn about them–and there are already a couple that I don’t need. I’d like to pass them on while recouping part of my investment, but it seems difficult both emotionally and practically.

    1. MTE==Mesa Typewriter Exchange (:

  4. I have sporadically good intentions, but then another “unique opportunity” comes my way, and …

    I’ll definitely try to unload 15-20 typewriters at Herman’s this year.

  5. Yard sales and flea markets are big around here. No fees, no shipping. I recently let go 3 of my typewriters at a yard sale. Didn’t make money but 2 of them went to a young woman in her 20’s aspiring to be a writer.

  6. You are so right! Typing “one last page” on one pretty much guarantees that it won’t be leaving. I enjoyed this post–thanks!

  7. Just made a short notice move overseas and had to part with a number of machines. I did move to Germany, so I was able to ease the sorrow of parting with the knowledge that there are some nice machines here. I did try to give the old machines to people I thought would enjoy them. But deciding on which machines to bring was difficult.

    1. Yep, it’s a sad process.. BTW, I added your blog to the Typosphere (:

  8. “One last page” is usually how I decide whether a machine goes or stays. Having said that I have a few wedges lying around that don’t even work! ;)

  9. I agree. I personally would not have the heart to give away a manual, but an electric, however…

  10. I feel that I need to keep a couple of good working machines around to write a decent letter. As I get older, it is harder to type on a manual, so I want them to be electric. I just acquired a S-C Electra 120 to add to several daisy wheels. The 120 has a manual carriage return, so I didn’t give in totally.

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