Chandler Type-In – Saturday June 9, 2018

YES! {insert air guitar solo, a really ripping Glenn Branca style cacophony of multi-layered atonal scream backed with tube amplifier harmonics and subsonic bass.}

Why am i so happy, you ask?

The Quirky Qwerty, previously known as Jeremiah, (but now that he has joined the ranks of the Typosphere, he gets his chosen Typecaster Name, instead of the mis-spelling that i used last time) has wrangled up a Second Chandler Type-In!

Saturday June 9, 2018
10:30am to 12:30pm

Chandler Sunset Library
4930 W. Ray Rd.
Chandler, AZ 

I admit I was woefully unprepared for the first one, managing to snatch the Triumph Perfekt and a crappy digital point-n-shoot before going off into rain coming down in sheets that made it difficult to drive or even see much farther than 30 feet in front of your bonnet. I got lost, and ended up arriving an hour late and extremely damp. I don’t even know if i slipped shadow, but I was at one point 20 miles *further* from the library than i was when I started and had lost about 45 minutes by the dash clock. I didn’t bring my books or business cards or the old Type-In banner to hang proudly on the wall again. I even forgot to load the Perfekt with one of my brown/black silk ribbons, I was so discombobulated. I shall rectify that this time, and come better equipped to document and participate in the scene.

What then should i bring? Certainly load the Perfekt with silk and bring it again – she was a popular girl, even with a boring black ribbon. Books and Business cards, of course. The Sony NEX 3 with an old manual lens and the Type-In banner. Hmmn, maybe load one of the HP Core 2 Duos with a funky Linux and make something fun with that. Hmmn… 

Updated: May 20, 2018 — 8:37 pm


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  1. Man, I wish I could attend. I share your enthusiasm for Type-in events, but can especially see you being jazzed about the musical connection. Looking forward to your report.

  2. Sounds like it will be a fun time. The new ad banner is great, and I love the Type-In banner. Ours was Saturday and we had a great turn out — especially for a dreary day.

  3. Great, I’ll help to publicize it.

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