GP IBM Selectric Typeball Catalog – Font Styles

I can’t remember where I got this – probably from the Golfball Typewriter Yahoo group, which is a great resource for finding out about the rich and interesting world of Selectrics. Note that my GP “Calligraphy” ball is listed in this catalog, and there’s a few others I’ll be looking for now too: Headline, Contempo, Oriental, Title, Report, Astrology, Forms 1 and Diagnostic are all on my want list. :D

Click to embiggify.

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Updated: April 11, 2024 — 12:34 pm


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  1. I recently purchased a used IBM Correcting Selectric III and I’m in love with it. Has anyone come across the “Report” typing element?

    1. Not me. That’s one I’m looking for in the 88 character element, along with Contempo and Oriental. (:

      1. Until I saw your website, I had no idea IBM made the Contempo and Oriental fonts! Do you know if there are bilingual (Spanish or French) elements avaialable?

        Do you have the 96 character element for Report? I did not know it was available in the 88 character.

        1. nope, I don’t have Report in either size. sorry (:

  2. Ugh–never mind, I just saw the French-Canadian and Latin American catalog items.

  3. Munk: May I ask which font elements you already have?

  4. Hello,

    I thought to let you know I saw Contempo available on eBay! I cannot recall if it’s one you already have but thought to just alert you!

  5. Hi everybody I would like to get some IBM’s golf ball in light Italic and business script, can some one tell where I can fin this golf balls?
    Also any place in Orlando Fl for to fix and clean IBM Selectric ll and Royal manual typewriter.
    Thanks for your help.

  6. Looking for calligraphy and business script for selectric III.. will pay..

  7. Hi guys,

    Recently I bought a few IBM golf balls and I dont know all the abbreviations.
    Does anybody know for what stands: RX, CG, BA, T

    Thanks alot!

    1. Those are not for the regular Selectric – they will fit, but the encoding is not the same and damage can occur, and they won’t print even remotely right. Those are for the Selectric Composer – a proportional-spacing cold-typesetting machine. I happen to be one of the few who has a working one, so if you feel like donating them to someone who can use them, let me know. see:

  8. Ted, would it be possible to get 600dpi or better scans of the 5/6 and 7/8? Either way, thanks for your time.

    1. That should say “pages 5/6 and 7/8”. Again, thanks for your time.

      1. I don’t have the catalog. Someone else scanned it 9 years ago. (:

        1. Thanks for the reply. I have a hard copy coming. Let me know if you want any scans.

          1. sure, would be nice to have something higher than 72dpi in the archives (:

  9. I’ll be happy to send you scans. Are you able to contact me via email? I don’t remember to check this often enough. ;-)

  10. Hello, I use a Selectric II for abstract art. I recently came by an odd element, GP 989 (10 probably 88 character judging by the white ink). It appears to be a very bold font in all caps and some interesting special characters. Do you have any idea as to what font it is? Thank you, I’ve truly appreciated your site.

    1. Nope, GP 989 isn’t listed here and this is the only GP catalog I have.

  11. Thanks for checking. It’s an interesting typeface.

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