My goodness, I sure get reactions when I write about electric typewriters! Seems there’s some protest over the idea of repainting the Blue Bomber, enough so that I feel I should justify that idea. I feel it should be noted that The Bomber already has been repainted – the original color was a smooth, lighter beige, which you can see where the second coat of darker beige crinkle paint is flaking off of the back (see below). I expect a lot more of the crinkle paint will come off if I clean it, so painting it again wouldn’t really be that sinful.
I have done a little Googling, looking for information about this particular color variant, and have discovered that Julie Andrews had one of these, as seen here from Richard Polt’s Writers and their Typewriters page. Note that Julie’s machine has black carriage knobs and a page gauge on the right:
Additionally, I dug up this IBM ad, which features a blue-keyed Selectric in the 13″ carriage size:
I could find no other photos, though, and an eBay search turns up no examples with blue (or any other color than black or grey) keys. The information quest continues, and rest assured I won’t be painting until I’ve done some more unveiling of details. I’m savoring this machine, I haven’t even checked the serial number yet, much less cleaned it, so painting is still far in the future. Relax Dear Hearts – The Blue Bomber shall live! :D

The Brother and I last night, Mini-Type-In-ing with the Big Blue 721s and a bottle of 25 year old Glenfarclas Single Malt Scotch.
I’m still freakin’ insano jealous. Stop rubbing it in. This machine is too sexy.
It seems that the platen was changed on Julie’s machine. The blue keys/knobs/vent were an option on the very early SI models. Later models only had light gray or charcoal keys/trim. The page gauge on the right knob seems to have been a later improvement. Even the ad with the blue knobs doesn’t show it.
I agree with you that a blue housing with blue keys/trim would be stunning.
I know the typosphere generally frowns on electrics, but Selectrics can be addicting just like manuals. I should know. Have fun!
That looks like a BAROPpin’ good time!
Hey I know that guy! Say hi for me. That’s pretty nice. I liked the selectric we had in the 80’s, but I shy away now for fear of the repairs.
Again with the jealousy making typewriters… That color is amazing!