Sunday, March 2nd, 1:00pm – 3:30pm, the Chandler, AZ Public Library is having a Type-In as part of the Local Author Fair as well as zine related crafts! The Typewriters will be in the Cafe. Maybe I see you there? (:
Category: Phoenix Typewriter Round-Up & Type-Ins
10th Phoenix Type-In Report: A Good Time Had By All! :D
Joe’s Video Report! :D A new podcast launched today, where the pod interviews typewriter repair pros. First episode’s on Phoenix’s own Duane Jensen, worth a listen!
Type-In Report: Chandler Library Type-In
Currently in the earholes: Hey, the Type-In made it on the news!
Report: 9th Phoenix Typewriter Round-Up Type-In!
Phx9Typein 2023 09 23 What was typed on the back: Gregory’s Blog Report & Video Report: Joe’s Video Report: Bob’s Video on the Corona 3 Case he repaired and brought to Joe at the Type-In:
What to bring to the Type-In? What Type-In? The 9th Phoenix Type-In! :D
Weapon of Choice: 1962 Triumph Perfekt #3061978 Currently in the earholes:
Final Proof for Corona 4-Zephyr Bible, Mothra Back in Rotation, Sequential Letter #4 and 9th Phoenix Type-In News!
Weapon of Choice: “Richard The Deep Breather”, 1925 Corona 4 #H506286 Weapon of Choice: “Mothra” 1972 IBM Selectric Composer #5016537 Type Pals Sequential Letter #4 in progress. Phoenix Typewriter Round-Up and Type-In, Tentatively scheduled for Sept 23rd @ First Draft Book Bar.Currently in the earholes:
Planes, Trains & Automobiles – to the Sept 11 2022 ABQwerty Typewriter Society Type-In!
Weapon of Choice: “Roosevelt” 1960 Aztec (Erika) 700 #1930178 The Back Alley Man and the Keeper of the Lost Bible A musical excursion into Flagstaff street life, making friends with dogs and the drunken keeper of a lost Bible. Unfortunately, I seem to have hit the record button too late to catch that whole conversation. […]
Phoenix Type-Ins for November & December 2019
Phoenix Type-Ins for November & December 2019: Changing Hands & Daily Platen present The Typewriter Harvest When: November 29, 2019 – 11 am to 2 pm Where: Changing Hands Bookstore 300 West Camelback Road, Phoenix, AZ 85013 Chandler Sunset Library and Jeremiah Bukovszky present Sunset Type-In When: Saturday, December 7, 2019 – 10:30am to 12:30 […]
The 10th Phoenix Type-In – Report from a 440T (mostly)
A napkin that someone gave me :D Tori’s Coloring (:
Upcoming Type-In and a Giveaway 1957 Royal Aristocrat!
Weapon of Choice: 1957 Royal Aristocrat. Spring malformed and sliding around. Must trim and form new hook-ends. Re-Install spring, not that it did any good. “Forming” is what we call it, not “bending”. Must be patient and have a light hand on the tool. Okay, so Aristocrats in the late 50’s had an RB prefix, […]
Report On The 4th CSL Type-In 2019
Weapon of Choice: “Cadwallader” 1963 Olympia SM7. On the reading rack: Cold Hard Type “Paradigm Shifts“, by The Typosphere’s diverse type writers.
Upcoming Type-Ins in Arizona
Thanks to Brian Goode who reminded me about these today! (: Phoenix Type-In 2019 is happening Sunday, June 23rd, from 11am – 3pm. Be there or be elsewhere! Also, in the far east valley there’s the Chandler Sunset Library Type-In coming up this Saturday June 1st from 10:30am-12:30pm. I’ll be at both! I’ll almost certainly […]
Report from Typewriter Harvest 2018 Type-In
As per usual, I spent my time at the Type-In chatting with folks and occasionally helping the mystified newcomer figure out the carriage return and how to make exclamation points rather than typing anything of substance, but I did try to hit every machine and get an impression off… Some computer generated typewriter art by […]
To Collect and Preserve: An Informative Brochure
I wanted to print up some flyers for the “Cold Hard Type” project to pass out at the next couple of local Type-Ins, and thought “Why stop there? I can make a little brochure/zine to pass out.” So, I whipped up a tri-fold brochure with a bunch of useful info for the new local area […]
It’s Autumn Type-In Season in Phoenix!
2018 has been a great year for Type-Ins, not only in the Phoenix area, but all over the country. The Revolution expands and catches fire everywhere it touches, and burns with a ferocity that cannot be quenched. The romance, utility and flexibility of the Typewriter Life reaches deep into the soul and connects with that […]
Inspiration and more reports from the 8th Phoenix Type-In: Brought to you by the Letters PR-10-M
Weapon of Choice: “Mothra”, 1972 IBM Selectric Composer The Quirky Qwerty’s Report Joe VC’s “Smuggling Typewriters to Phoenix” report and first video review of some of the movers & shakers in the AZ scene. Joe’s second video interview from the 8th Phoenix Type-In – This one’s about MEMEME!
8th Phoenix Type-In Report, and an afterparty with the Albuqwerty Type Writer Society
Nice selection of books available at Changing Hands. I didn’t have the “Typewriter Rodeo” one yet, so I got a copy of that one. The typewriters were pretty busy. Although it seemed like there wasn’t much more than 30 people around at once, I noticed that the people seemed to completely change from one hour […]
Second Chandler Type-In Report – Galaxies, Buttons and Commanders, oh my!
Phoenix Type-In for National Typewriter Day, Sunday June 24, 2018 – Even Though NTD is actually on the 23rd
While the Typewriter Day post on The Typosphere blog went neglected after 2014 (but it’s nice to go back and see the videos from 2011), Typewriter Day on June 23rd has still been suitably celebrated across the globe. This year, it appears the Phoenix celebration will happen the day after, on the 24th: I’m a […]
Chandler Type-In – Saturday June 9, 2018
YES! {insert air guitar solo, a really ripping Glenn Branca style cacophony of multi-layered atonal scream backed with tube amplifier harmonics and subsonic bass.} Why am i so happy, you ask? The Quirky Qwerty, previously known as Jeremiah, (but now that he has joined the ranks of the Typosphere, he gets his chosen Typecaster Name, […]
Report From First Chandler Type-In
Chandler, AZ Type-In on January 20, 2018
I saw these flyers at the local Typewriter shop, and thought I ought to promote it (:
7th Phoenix Type-In: 3D!
Ephemera Dump: 7th Phoenix Type-In, 2016
Operative Joe has recounted his mission and initial report already from the run he made to PHX from the ABQ. It was excellent meeting our fellow insurgent and sharing the Gospel of St. Christopher Sholes with the peoples of the Republic of First Draft. Many greets and funs were had and the Central Committee agrees […]
Photos from the 6th Phoenix Type-In
The 5th Phoenix Type-In: Squigglyvision and Anaglyphic 3D, Part 1
In order to see the Anaglyphs properly, you’ll need a pair of red/cyan 3D glasses, which you may have if you’ve stolen them from a 3D movie theatre or happen to have a TV that does 3D videos and games: And now, for those of you who don’t have 3D glasses, the same pics in […]
The Fifth Phoenix Type-In: Report and Ephemera
And now, in basically the order I picked them up, are the sheets that were left behind today. Many many more sheets went with people, despite the triplicate copies. A lot of typing happened today, and some of it even made sense. :D Amusingly, there was a fellow that showed up towards the end of […]
Prepping for the 5th Phoenix Type-In: Part One in the Hot, Hot Heat…
Click to embiggen… In other news, I received some research from Peter Weil on Blickensderfers and Hammonds, which resulted in some nice updates for those pages on the Typewriter Database. I’ve also completed the “Non-Noiseless Standards” section of the Remington page (whew) and am now knee-deep in the Noiseless Standards. This did not keep me […]
Whispers and Schemes: Phoenix Typewriter Round-Up 5
Mini Type-In in AZ, while the Typerati party in London…
Spring Typewriter Hunting Season – bagged #3! Plus more scans & photos from 4th Phoenix Type-In
Spring Typewriter Season Begins, and 4th Phoenix Type-In Report the Third…
I’ve been a bit tardy in keeping up with the posts reporting the 4th Phoenix Type-in, but you’ll have to excuse me becauseĀ it’s officially Spring Typewriter Hunting Season! Thousands of people across the country are spring cleaning, and donating unwanted stuff to thrift stores every day this month – and that means fresh, new […]