Category: From the Desk of Reverend Munk

Typecasts from the desk of the Right Reverend Theodore Munk

My try at lumen prints

Heh, it’s tough for me to follow Joe’s blog without being inspired to do stuff, and of course, the idea of Lumen Prints, basically using normal photo print paper as film and sensitizing it with tapwater, certainly appealed to me as a quick evening lark. I happen to have all the basic materials handy: One […]

The difference between Tell and Show

There it is, that typewriter in your “ToDo” pile, collecting dust because it’s not quite working right, but you don’t know exactly what’s wrong with it, or maybe you think you know, but are trepidatious to really dig in there and find out. Maybe there’s even a small amount of guilt. You know that machine […]

Tabulatin’ My Bibles

Joe Van Cleave recently came up with a good idea in this post, where he does a little “Let’s use this to fix something” review of the recently released Smith-Corona Floating Shift Typewriter Repair Bible. That idea was adding tabbed dividers to the sections of the book to split up the sections for easy access. […]


Well, it’s been about 5 or 6 months since I started using Facebook for serious, and I can report that it does have a great deal of value in terms of keeping in touch with a community and collaborating to find and promote things. Does it replace blogging? Not a chance- it’s way too ephemeral, […]

Royal Model 10 Standards, Dual-Glass, Single-Glass and No-Glass – when did it happen?

  Whatever Happened to the International Typewriter Appreciation Month? The 1940 AMES American Typewriter Parts Catalog The one that started this hunt, the first known Model 10 Royal: From the Virtual Typewriter Collection of Evan Pitman: 1913 Royal 10 Serial #X-173084 First Dual-Glass: From the Virtual Typewriter Collection of Drew Saffell: 1915 Royal 10 […]

Spreadin’ The Word of Jones…

The Reading Rainbow: Five editions out now and ponderin’ which ones I’ll do next. The first ones have started making it out to people who’ve posted some pics in the Facebook groups. I suppose they count as testimonials, so here’s the most recent ones. I love it when they post pics with the Bible next […]

TMTRB: Update!

Hey, look what the mailman brought today! The first proofing copy, hot off the press. I estimate another two weeks or so for edits and mailing time for the final proof – then RELEASE! You’ll be able to get your own copy by mid February, I think. The TMTRB, Yes, that’s the Book for me! […]

Pencil tips for the Type-O-Graph!

Well, I’ll call the “lead test” a success – and with that concept proven, it seems all you’d really need to build new *pencil* tips is a bit of rigid plastic tube of exactly the right diameter (I’ll need to borrow a micrometer and mic out the dimensions of the original pen cartridge) with a […]

In Search Of: Clarence Leroy “Rocky” Jones

If you study typewriter history, especially the history of typewriter repair, you are certain to encounter the name “Rocky Jones” at some point. “Rocky” is something of a vague legendary figure in collector circles, mostly in reference to books that collectors cannot find because they are so rare. This past week, I endeavored to find […]

A Republic, If You Can Keep it…

In 2012, former Supreme Court Justice David Souter answered a question about civics education in America. His answer is kind of a spookily accurate prediction for what has happened just four years later. Yeah. So, I’m taking bets on whether we’ll be seeing Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho on the Republican ticket in 2020. […]