Category: From the Desk of Reverend Munk

Typecasts from the desk of the Right Reverend Theodore Munk

Upcoming Type-Ins in Arizona

Thanks to Brian Goode who reminded me about these today! (: Phoenix Type-In 2019 is happening Sunday, June 23rd, from 11am – 3pm.  Be there or be elsewhere!  Also, in the far east valley there’s the Chandler Sunset Library Type-In coming up this Saturday June 1st from 10:30am-12:30pm.  I’ll be at both! I’ll almost certainly […]

New stuff comin’

Weapon of Choice: 1962 Triumph Perfekt – a perfect flow machine. Good lord, current Typecast ideas folder is full of reviews of electronic mini-wedges and stories about my current “install new Linuxes on all my laptops” frenzy. This gets more meaningful as the EOL for Windows 7 approaches, because I’m not going to do Windows […]

New TWDB “Mechanic’s Club” Patreon Tier!

Ooh, look! Patreon and Sellfy have set up an API that allows us to offer discounts at the TWDB Sellfy Store ( to TWDB Tier-level Patrons through some arcane technomagic. We’ve set up our first Patreon Tier and we waved the magic wand over it that theoretically should have set up the method by which […]

Mustang Saturday

Weapon of Choice: 1972 Royal Mercury. Tan older-model Aceliner for $2, a pair of Fujitsu M2551A08 floppy drives @$3 each. Also $3 for an empty older-style woodside Portable Pub case. Without the barware inside, I feel it’s a good candidate for new carrying case for my Underwood 3-Bank. Installing a new silk ribbon with metal […]

The Brothers 3

Weapon of Choice: 1971 Remington Automatic 612 (Brother JP-4) I’m also working on a package for Joe, and according to the audio letter he sent, I have about 3 months to fill up the opposite side of the tape. Well now, 3 months is enough time to fill up a whole box, I’d think. Since […]

Typewriter Podcasts!

Weapon of Choice: “Easy”, 1964 Hermes 3000. Also walking around typing on a Canon Typestar 4, making notes for a Tapecast package back to JoeVC… ScottK’s”Type O +VE” Podcast Qwerty Rotten Scoundrels Podcast Is a podcast anything like a Tapecast? Digital to analog to digital… Trying to track down squeakiness in my tape deck, only […]

Dynasty Typewriter Type-In Feb 9 2018 in Los Angeles!

There’s a free type-in/paper arts event in Los Angeles, and you’re invited. The event is Saturday, February 9, noon-4pm at Dynasty Typewriter at the Hayworth, a restored 1927 theater near MacArthur Park in Los Angeles. A traditional type-in is basically an excuse for typewriter enthusiasts to get together and nerd out over writing machines. This is intended […]

Feeling Blessed for The Holidays

Weapon of Choice: 1983 Brother EP-20 “New” Dell Studio XPS from Key Snap. 6-Core AMD Phenom II X6 1045T @2.70GHz, 8gb RAM, Video: EVGA GeForce GTX 750ti w/2gb RAM. All set up and workspace cloned.. The Old machine that the XPS replaces – a 4-Core i5 Intel, 6gb RAM, no video card. I’ll be rebuilding […]

Sourcing and Replacing FEG R-61 Firing Pin

Ahh, the Ninties. The Wall had just fallen (no, not *that* Wall, the Berlin Wall) and the Iron Curtain had crashed down under the weight of insanely paranoid defense spending during the Reagan years. Newly ex-Soviet Bloc governments privatized their weapons factories and scrambled to raise hard currency by selling off surplus police and military […]

Why You Should Own a Typewriter in 2018

Ahh, The Revolution continues apace, with the Great Propaganda of California Typewriter infecting The Message into the minds of people far and wide. It is always exciting to Hear The Great Story told again by a new convert. This popped up in my Youtube feed tonight, which undoubtedly proves yet again how well Google knows […]

The Return of the Axes

The Machine… The Man, Mr. Butane… Hey, there’s sort of a database for Fender tube amp serial numbers now! What’s this Circuit-Bent stuff anyway? Apparently, these are still popular enough that people rhapsodize on them on the web, and charge $300+ for them on Ebay. Who’d’a thunk? I guess I did pretty good finding this […]

It’s Autumn Type-In Season in Phoenix!

2018 has been a great year for Type-Ins, not only in the Phoenix area, but all over the country. The Revolution expands and catches fire everywhere it touches, and burns with a ferocity that cannot be quenched. The romance, utility and flexibility of the Typewriter Life reaches deep into the soul and connects with that […]