When someone purchased a particular Adler Primus serial number 3141007 in 1961, it would be clear to later investigators (me) that the purchaser was very interested in choosing just the right typeface for thier new portable typewriter. They had requested from the dealer a full typestyles catalog, chosen Ransmayer & Rodrian #84 Ra (Elite Imperial) […]
Search Results for – "font styles"
GP IBM Selectric Typeball Catalog – Font Styles
I can’t remember where I got this – probably from the Golfball Typewriter Yahoo group, which is a great resource for finding out about the rich and interesting world of Selectrics. Note that my GP “Calligraphy” ball is listed in this catalog, and there’s a few others I’ll be looking for now too: Headline, Contempo, […]
1964 NOMDA Blue Book: IBM Font Styles
It is perhaps fitting that I post the last of my typestyle scans on the day that Tom Furrier writes his celebration of the IBM Selectric. I myself refuse to include electric typewriters in my own corral, but if I were to own one, it would be a Selectric. Actually, it would have to be […]
1964 NOMDA Blue Book: Remington Font Styles
And now we take a look at the Remington typewriter font styles:
1964 NOMDA Blue Book: Royal Font Styles
And now we take a look at the Royal typewriter typefaces:
1964 NOMDA Blue Book: Olivetti Font Styles
And now we take a look at Olivetti typestyles:
1964 NOMDA Blue Book: Hermes Font Styles
And now, the Hermes Typewriter font faces offered to customers in 1964:
1964 NOMDA Blue Book: Smith-Corona (SCM) Font Styles
And now we take a look at the Smith-Corona (SCM) typewriter typefaces:
1964 NOMDA Blue Book: Olympia Font Styles
And now we take a look at the Olympia typewriter font styles:
1964 NOMDA Blue Book: R.C. Allen VisOmatic Font Styles
And now we take a look at the R.C. Allen typestyles:
1964 NOMDA Blue Book: Facit Font Styles
And now, the typestyle offerings of Facit in 1964:
1964 NOMDA Blue Book: Adler Typewriter Font Styles
One of the things I scanned from Bill Wahl’s 1964 National Office Machine Dealer’s Association Blue Book was the large section detailing the typestyles available to customers ordering a typewriter from a dealer. It’s surprising how many different typestyles were offered by each manufacturer, and a great many of these styles are ones I’ve never […]
1964 Olympia Typewriter Type Styles Fonts
1964 Olympia Typewriter Type Styles Fonts
1915 Hammond Typestyles Font Catalog
1915 Hammond Typestyles Font Catalog
1957 Dreusicke Typestyles Fonts Catalog
Another one digitized by a team of Typospherians in 2014.
1970 Facit Typewriter Typefaces Font Catalog
1970 Facit Typewriter Typefaces Font Catalog
DSG IBM Selectric Type Element Catalog – Type Styles
I would guess that DSG is what GP turned into later in it’s history, as this is an updated catalog, newer than the one I just posted. This comes from the collection of Bill Wahl at MTE. Note that I have now collected all of the Typewriter Typestyles posts into one category: Typewriter Typestyles/Fonts
Leaping to the Defense of the Late 1950’s Underwood Portable
Weapon of Choice: “Tex”, 1957 Underwood Quiet Tab Deluxe (Golden Touch) Richard Polt’s post on his Typewriter Safari, which prompted thoughts on the Underwood Crest. UPDATE: This post came up in the Facebook ATC, prompting a discussion of this typeface, which I called “Slab-Serif”. Turns out the real name of the typeface is “Stymie”, and […]
27 High-res Typesamples from ProfessorC’s extensive collection of Selectric Type Elements
Fellow collector and Selectric enthusiast ProfessorC volunteered to type out samples of a number of GP and IBM type elements on his carbon-ribbon Selectrics and scan them in at high-resolution. Many of these are not shown with type samples in the GP/DSC catalogs, so now we know what these fonts look like. The versions I’m […]