The Saga of Cougar Six-Y In fact, I’m remembering how much I actually enjoy this little Cougar, and since it’s pretty disposable, I think I’ll make it my new Trunk Typer. (: Joe’s Post on his Cougar
Search Results for – "cougar"
UJTU: The Futura of Typing, and New Mission for Cougar Six-Y
Stealth Mode: Cougar Six-Y Continued…
Cougar Six-Y Goes Dark
Cougar Six-Y, Cougar Six-Y, Do You Copy?
I missed out on a Galaxy this week, having been alerted to it’s presence on half price day via Type Snap and the Typospherian Bat-Signal. $10 would have been a nice price to pay for a Galaxy, but I was too broke for even that and passed on it. Today, money came in, so I […]
Thoughts on Typewriter Parts Supplies and Trading
Weapon of Choice: 1946 Royal Quiet De Luxe #A-1218244 Goodies from The Type Space! :D A Quiet De Luxe differs from an Aristocrat mainly by the amount of sound padding panels it has. For some reason, this QDL had lost all of it’s panels, so I’ll replace them with fun red felt. Weapon of Choice: […]
Mo’ Feets & Mo’ Media – What I Typed During TCL
Weapon of Choice: “Doris Day”, 1966 Olympia SM9 #3098142 Perhaps the last set of Olympia SM-7 feet 3D printed in PLA by Steve Dade (RIP, friend). Raymond’s over in Colorado sent them over so I could replicate them in rubber, because PLA is stiff and not very grippy at all. First step: make a box […]
Yes you can swap the long return lever from a Corsair for the vestigal return arm of your early Skyriter!
My 1956 Smith Corona Skyriter with vestigal return lever… First remove the carriage cover of the 6Y machine – you need to do it to access the one screw that holds the carriage return assembly in the machine. Yep, that long screw at the top of the assembly is all you need to unscrew once […]
O.O.P.R.A.P. and The Typewriter Repair Bibles are Back! :D
Get ’em while they’re here. I am reminded of Scripture, Psalm 33:10 “The LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; he frustrates the plans of the peoples.” Roughly translated into the title of a Public Enemy album, it means “Man Plans and God Laughs.” In other words, Act Now – Possibly a Limited […]