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In other news, I received some research from Peter Weil on Blickensderfers and Hammonds, which resulted in some nice updates for those pages on the Typewriter Database. I’ve also completed the “Non-Noiseless Standards” section of the Remington page (whew) and am now knee-deep in the Noiseless Standards. This did not keep me from noticing that we are very nearly at 2000 typewriter galleries in the Database now. I’m starting to think that 3000 by next January 1 is a completely reasonable goal…
Hope to start adding mine to the galleries as I get time to rephotograph them. I’ve gotten way behind on everything since the HDD failure last winter and a hopeful move this year.
Best of success on the type-iin.
In other type-in news I have been using the Yahoo! forums to promote your site as I see type-ins being planned or scheduled there. Hope the people are using it. doesn’t seem to get a lot of use at this point – I still have to dig up type-ins and reports myself or have someone alert me to them, as very few people actually use the form on the page to submit type-ins, and nobody’s used it to submit a type-in report yet.
At some point I’ll have to integrate it with the Database and set it up so that “Hunter”-level users can submit type-ins and reports directly. It’ll probably get more popular then.
Exciting times, Ted. Cheers in advance to the type-in.
Hey, Mr. Munk, this is Jake. What a wonderful letterhead for our gathering!
When I was considering what to bring, I decided I would definitely put my Hammond Model 26 on the list. One problem: the peculiar mechanism usually does not take to kindly to thick paper or multiple papers. I will have to experiment, but I am not certain it will work correctly. We will just have to see, but it will definitely look nice with standard typebar machines!
Awesome stationery … glad I could help! ;)
Nice flyer! I’ll be adding a few more to the TWDB soon (mechanical and wedges). Ted, can we add “Sharp” as a manufacturer? Cheers!
“Sharp” added as a Manufacturer, although I think they may have rebranded Nakajimas or Swintecs, and might be something I should file as a “Marque” maybe. Any idea if they built their own designs?
Definitely (according to their company history) Sharp made their own electronic typewriters (1982) and then word processors a few years after that. :)
I am really, really far behind on my gallery entries. I need to get on to that!
Looks like your have some great plans afoot!
I really wish I could be there. Any chance of streaming? Maybe I could set one up for the same time. I have a late-model Noiseless and I don’t think I ever located the serial no. on it. I’ll have to look again. It did say made in England, which may be a clue.
You know I can’t agree with you more about Selectrics not getting enough love. They were the workhorses of the day and could handle multi-part forms with ease. It just part of a day’s work before copiers became more affordable.