That moment when you realize that binder full of useless Olympia parts price lists for 1969 also has an Engineering Bulletin that details the *exact serial number when the paint and plastic on the Olympia models changed*… :D
This info is now incorporated into the Olympia Serial Number Page at TWDB. I also fixed a nonsensical serial number entry for SGE-30/40 in 1967 that has been a persistent typo in every OMEF edition I have from 1971-1980. (clearly a typo because the 1967 serial number is lower than the 1966 one, and the 66 and 68 numbers make sense in terms of yearly production capacity.) I pulled the new, more reasonable number for 1967 from the 1973 NOMDA Age List.
Very nice find.
Thank you for posting it.
Ted, your scholarship continues to amaze me. Thank you for keeping up the good work.
My 1968 SM9 sn: 3,402,592 has dark grey keys, but the shift keys and carriage knob end caps are distinctly grass-green instead of turquoise. In the TWDB there is another SM9 with the same green parts also from 1968, sn: 3,416,632. I found a similar examples in the 1968 SM8’s at sn: 3422165, 3408467, 3433006, 3444979, and 3499116. Maybe the turquoise was a mixture of blue and green plastics (or pigments) and they ran out of blue first before the scheduled transition to dark grey…?