Well, after recording the new Omega XL Tape Pals 3-Way and sending it in its way, I had the tape deck on the desk so I went ahead and sampled 3 more cassettes from my Box of Tape Ghosts. Hey, it’s better than obsessing about the election results, eh?

First up, a curiosity I undoubtedly picked up at a thrift store – a *very* early 3M/Scotch C-60 Highlander Low Noise.

This one was originally recorded with something called “TRIAL SP/75“, then was recorded over with a Yes album, and then finally, the first side was recorded over yet again by someone reciting the 1979-80 Ohio Retail Tax Instructions in a very interesting voice.
The cassette dates to 1973, and is in one of those weird open-ended cases that you just slip the cassette into until it clicks into the clips on the side, held into the case with friction. It does allow for more visible J-Card real estate, I guess, but the tape ends up slipping out of the case a lot.

It’s got a very pretty transparent blue shell with screw fasteners, so I’m not sure if I’ll offer it as a Tape Pals trade, or take it apart, strip off the label and turn it into a loop tape.

The second tape, some sales tape for medical quackery by a pair of doctors. This one could be trade goods. Want it?

The third tape is another Ghost tape, a tape with a 4-Track demo I recorded of a band called “Western Doorway” in 1987, with the second side being a soundboard mixtape I made of a show the band did at the Mason Jar in Tempe, AZ in 1987. This one may end up as a Correspondence Special Episode CD, I already started on the J-Card! :D
Fun stuff!