Assorted High-Bias Chrome tapes gifted by Brian and Kristy! :D

Brian’s very nice Cole Steel Portable.

Brother Cassette Correct-O-Riter V – If only it didn’t take these stupid proprietary ribbons, this machine would’ve been fine. Dated 1981, for historical purposes.

The day’s Thrifted DVDs. Sadly, disc 1 of the Philadelphia Story, despite being sealed and pristine, was unreadable.

Currently in the Eyeholes..
I learned lots in this post. Thanks for sharing!
This was an action packed Blogpost! Meetups at the typewriter shop, thrifting, etc. This one has it all! Those are some tasty TDKs you were gifted as well. Love Brian’s Cole Steel Portable, don’t see those too often. Thanks for taking me along, if only vicariously! (now I just gotta do some recordin’ of my own at MY local typewriter shop to add to Tape Pals.. wink wink) -Mitchell
Busy day. Too bad no typewriters followed you home.
I remember all the marketing hype for CDs and DVDs: indestructable, last for ever, etc. Well, we had more problems with CDs not working on the air than when we used 45s, and CDs never sound as good as vinyl, especially a well made LP. Of course our tape decks sounded best, 15 i.p.s.
James Stewart is my favorite actor. Ingrid Bergman is my favorite actress. You have great taste in films.
Dear Theodore,
May I kindly ask you where you got „The Greenaway Alphabet“ ´for watching? Over here in Europe it seems unavailable, so I‘m grateful for a hint. It seems a very interesting and touching film to me.
It’s available here: