A Day With Joe (and fellow Typospherians)

Group photo of the happenstance Typospherian meetup at Bill’s, from left to right: Random photobomber fellow, Joe, Bill, Erik and Cameron. Not sure who the random fellow was, he was walking by and stopped to be in the photo. :D

Fuzzier photo of us taken by the random guy, from left to right: Erik, Joe, Bill, Me and Cameron.

Joe Van Cleave’s Typewriter Video Series episode on his trip

Updated: November 22, 2018 — 11:28 am


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  1. Telstar. That brings back memories. Remember the original by the Tornadoes?
    Good to see everyone had a great typewriter adventure.

    1. Oh yeah, don’t have that one on vinyl, though. The vast majority of my record collection is still in storage. I do finally have all of the parts to complete the Console again, though. Just need the shelf space for 12 crates of albums..

  2. We arrived home a couple of hours ago (huge traffic backup in Gallup, NM due to an accident). What a fun time we had in Mesa, AZ. Did a bit of road blogging with the Rocket while my wife drove. Thank you Ted for your hospitality. Videos and blog article pending.

  3. Words of wisdom. We must enjoy even the fruitless hunts, and we certainly must treasure meeting fellow fanatics. I’m heading to Ottawa tomorrow for a conference and will meet up with a typist there!

  4. Hello!, Thnx to Joe I am here to read your blog, very nice. It’s funny that we typemachine enthousiasts share a lot of common things: typewriters, vynil, bikes, mechanical things. I collect typewriters (15 at the moment, will receive a Roxy this weekend) and shortwave radio’s (yep, it’s out there the waves, still going.. Like typewriters it’s technology that will never die..)

    Thank you, and I will stop over sometimes. To read the story’s.!

    Greetings,indro (Netherlands)

  5. I too had a fruitless visit to a very big and permanent antique emporium here in the UK yesterday. Two hours of wandering around hoping to find something special. Two plastic toy typewriters and a couple of pre-WW2 machines (or even earlier?) that would have made good paperweights and not much else. I did see a first for me – a brail typewriter that I might have picked up as a novelty, except for the price GBP285, wow!

    Never mind, as you say the fun is in the chase. I’ve found some very nice machines in the most unlikely places and that more than makes up for the occasional disappointment.

  6. I’ve just recently discovered JoeVC and I’m currently bingeing on his YouTube Typewriter Series Videos. I almost missed this excellent visit to MTE video because it was nebulously entitled, ‘Retrieving the Rocket’. Little did I know it contained an interview with Bill Wahl, Daily Platen, Key Snap and yourself, Ted. Joe – if you have one fault, it’s a lack of video categorisation and vague titles but I still love your stuff.

    1. Yep, we gotta get him to work on proper categorization and titling/descriptions to maximize findability. It can be tough to go back to particular topics unless you’ve already seen everything and know which ones cover what things. (:

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