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  1. OOOOh Sound Forge 5! I think that was the first digital editor I ever used. Never went back to tape splicing after that. Now that I’ve used newer audio editors I’d also never return to Sound Forge 5. Neat old tube amp. Hard to beat the good old sound of a tube amp.

  2. I’ve been rocking those tapes you sent me; lotsa fun. Perhaps we’ll see a reunion tour?

  3. Hi Ted. Interesting article! I actually have a question though. I must admit that I have not yet entered my machines into the TWDB, and so earlier today I got onto the website and tried creating an account. I entered everything it needed, such as the names, email, password, and username, and I hit enter. However, when I did so, the page reloaded, and at the top in red, a message said that my email address is now disallowed, and that I must fill out all the required fields, as well my entered username and password going missing from the boxes. I filled out the boxes again, but the same thing happened. Do you know how to fix this? Thanks!

    1. yep, you’re trying to sign up with a Gmail address – Google emails are disallowed for signup due to wide spammer use. Use a temporary forwarder address instead:

      You can then change your email back to a gmail address when you’ve completed the confirmation. (:

  4. That amp may be your best score ever. Let me know if you ever decide to part with it.

    Your axe is also a much sough-after item. The Japanese Fenders have gained in popularity as prices for the US versions have shot through the stratosphere. Meanwhile, the “affordable” models have (mostly) seen a big dip in quality. I helps that yours had a lot of “Character” :)

    1. Re: amp – yeah, I don’t forsee needing a 200w screamer like this where I live now. The HOA would be very disapproving if I fired that up, so I would probably be very interested in selling it off. I need to open it up and blow out the dust & check the tubes, as it’s been in storage for many years. once I check it out completely, I’ll prolly be open for offers. (:

  5. Wow, love the Omnichord! Never put my hands one one, but I’ve always thought they sounded cool. Great thrift find!

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