1974 Adler J5, Elite Typeface.

Serial number location on Adler J5 Typewriter

Tops of the keys worn. Long-fingernailed typist?

On the floor for 3 days and nobody scooped it up.

Tippex-free clear plastic card guides. It had a correcting ribbon in it, but there wasn’t much mess.
Lucky you! It sounds like you are starting 2016 off on the right foot. You’ve inspired me to swing by my Goodwill and see what’s new.
A dead-ringer for my “Gabriele 35” (15283067) which I’m also impressed with. Nice find :)
The plastic shell on these isn’t too bad. Although this later version I find is much less preferable to earlier ones.
These are great machines. Enjoy it! Very nice score.
Great way to start off the New Year!
I agree with Scott as far as typing goes. The J5 is a nice typewriter it is not as nice as the J4 to use.
Congrats on the find! I almost never find anything at the thrift stores anymore. :(
I will be very sad when that day arrives here.. consolations. (:
Nice Score! Must’ve been a holiday house cleaning. I haven’t been hunting due to my beginning of the year schedule. I guess I need to get out there :)
Yuh, I seem to have really good luck the first few months of the year. I’m not sure if it’s just that more people tend to die just after the Holidays or if it’s some kind of cultural “toss out the old” season, but jan/feb/march is usually a target-rich environment..
Never mind the wear on the key tops.. Look at the ugly color. I have an Adler J2 that has keys the color of a used cigarette filter. Despite the nicotine keys it types beautiful.
yep, it’s an odd color choice. kind of ivory-ish tan with not-very-dark grey letter imprints. They look better now I’ve cleaned ’em, but they don’t really pop.
Nice! I just found the same one at a thrift store in Tucson – my impressions are the same as yours.
I found one of these for $10 at a local estate sale last fall, brought it home and cleaned it up a little, and shipped it off to a young lady (daughter of a co-worker) who’s now the proud owner of her first typewriter. Did a good deed and kept my own accumulation from growing yet again…
Would the case from an Olvetti-Underwood 21 fit it? I have a spare…
I’d suspect it’d swim around in a 21’s case. It’s not a big deal. I can always find a laptop bag that’ll work. Thank you, though (:
Nice catch! A moldy smelling $1.00 J5 is one of the things that took me down the typewriter path. As you note – not attractive, but works like a good machine should.