This must have sat in the Mesa Thrift’s Boutique display case for weeks before the price dropped down to $3.98 – When I saw that beautiful leather case, I knew exactly what was in it. (:

Pickett Model N 1010-ES TRIG

Rule was still wrapped in plastic inside the case. Now I gotta get that price tag off the leather without marring it.
Love the business like styling on the case of this thing. Very much ‘of the era’
Great find!
I’ve got one of those that I used when I started college.
Have one too. Used to use it in high school. Dad was part of the group of engineers that used these types of calculating tools to send men to the moon. Got it for my birthday one year. Know where to get the manual still? I’ve lost mine and only remember simple math functions.
there’s a bunch of manuals linked here. (:
That’s a good all-purpose rule. I enjoy going through the manuals when I have spare time.
I bought mine in Turkey back in 76. It’s still in the plastic sleeve and original case. The case only has Pickett on it and the only thing missing is the insert that came with it. I’m trying to learn how to use it again and for me that’s not easy.
Came here looking for some typewriter info, which I found, and saw this article.
I have three words for those interested – The Oughtred Society. Great place to visit if you’re interested in collecting, or just learning about, slide rules or any manual calculating device.
I collect typewriters and slide rules