In order to see the Anaglyphs properly, you’ll need a pair of red/cyan 3D glasses, which you may have if you’ve stolen them from a 3D movie theatre or happen to have a TV that does 3D videos and games:

The first frame of the roll somehow double-exposed – partly a photo of one of the employees at First Draft, partly the exposed innards of a Bennett.
And now, for those of you who don’t have 3D glasses, the same pics in eye-busting Squigglyvision!
Upcoming: Part 2 of the 3D Type-In Experience, as soon as I finish shooting the second roll of film so I can develop it. All photos shot with a Nishika N8000 35mm camera on expired Ilford HP5+ and developed in Caffenol-C.
haha that’s awesome!
Head. Spinning. Oh. My.
New frontiers in digitanalog imaging … fun!
Dammit. Can’t find my Anaglyphic glasses. They must be in storage.
My mind has been sufficiently tripped!