UJTU: Parker Pen, Marantz PMD and Johnny Depp Be Damned, I should be the next Kolchak!

I hear that Disney's going to be making a reboot of "Kolchak, The Night Stalker" starring Johnny Depp. They really oughta recast me in the lead role. I've already got the suit & gear! :D

I hear that Disney’s going to be making a reboot of “Kolchak, The Night Stalker” starring Johnny Depp. They really oughta recast me in the lead role. I’ve already got the suit & gear! :D


Stainless Steel Parker ballpoint pen. I bet a roving reporter could drive that into the skull of a zombie if he needed to.

Stainless Steel Parker ballpoint pen. I bet a roving reporter could drive that into the skull of a zombie if he needed to.


Marantz PMD-201 set to half-speed mode for that extra long interview with the invisible space alien.

Marantz PMD-201 set to half-speed mode for that extra long interview with the invisible space alien.


Stapler of the Week: Acco Bantam.

Stapler of the Week: Acco Bantam.

IMG_5823 2014-04-03-d

Updated: February 17, 2025 — 2:16 pm


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  1. Okay, now I’m starting to get jealous with that Marantz PMD-201. I lusted after that during my middle teenage years when a tape recorder was my constant companion. I never really owned one that was any good (though I had, and still have back at my parent’s house, one of the 8-track mixing consoles. I forget the brand because I never really got the hang of it. It was overkill, but I found it cheaply locally)

    I’ve been hitting the thrift stores more recently and I think there are just a lot of very preceptive people who get there before me. XD

    1. A revisit to eBay and the prices look a lot less daunting to me than they did five years ago when I made $14 a week. I may have to finally get one thanks to your post. ;D

      1. Excellent! I’m glad to be an enabler :D

    2. I’m thinking that these Marantz’s must have been recommended to LDS missionaries at some point in the 80’s/90’s, because I found both of these at Deseret at different times. Today there was also a PMD-101 next to the 201, also working. I only passed it up because the 201 was there. A lot of cassette duplicators pass through this store too, and other audio gear suitable for church use. It’s kind of a cornucopia for practical, high-quality cassette tape gear.

  2. OOOOHHHH a Marantz 20-anything in a thrift shop!

    I’d love one of those. They made a PMD-201 221 and 222 I used plenty of them when I was in radio. They are workhorses. Lo-z balanced audio in and out too as well as un-bal. , automatic level controls and more. If I remember correctly the 201 did not have the balanced mic input only a 1/8″ phone input. Any of them are nice because the mechanical systems were all the same only the input and output stages differed. They made a stereo version too I think it was a 300 or 400 something. Never worked on many of those.

    1. yeah, I’d love to find a PMD-222 with the beefy balanced mic jack, the 1/8″ mic jack is not as robust as I’d like on the 201’s. I usually use the built-in mic for recording people, and it’s not bad. for more ambient recordings, I have a couple powered PZMs that seem to work pretty well.

  3. The boy turned his nose up at the offer of Safari so I pack him off to school with a hand me down stanless Parker like that (what the heck, it is all his in the end, right?). Bulk OEM refills from Amazon come in less than half one-off retail so he daren’t even think about losing it… and you nudged me on the next pdf. I think I’m a bottleneck.

  4. That Marantz recorder is a lovely thing. So much cooler than a digital with the VU meter, indicator lights, and the spinning cassette. The Sony TC-D5m is pretty cool also.

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