From the handle of this distinctive case, guess what typewriter this is and approximately what year. Extra points if you can guess the color from the Business Card taped to the front.
From the handle of this distinctive case, guess what typewriter this is and approximately what year. Extra points if you can guess the color from the Business Card taped to the front.
I’ll guess Smith-Corona Super 5 series in Pink or Coral, with a secondary guess of 5TE Electric Portable, same colors. Believe it or not, the only 5TE I have is pink! And it WORKS!
well, of course it works. the 5TE’s are built like tanks! Only God help us if the belts ever break, I sure wish I knew someone who made suitable replacements.
Your Typewriter & Computer in North Olmsted Ohio has a case of replacement belts NOS from the manufacturer. Or, they did the last I knew.
I’d say Smith-Corona too, but in pearl color. Those S-C cases are unmistakable!
Same here, but i’ll go on a tangent and say pink/coral Sterling.
A 1956 pink Smith-Corona Silent-Super.
My Grandma used to belong to Eastern Star. A mysterious organization — what could “Grand Representative of Wyoming in Arizona” mean?
Smith-Corona, although I am going to say a 5T-E. I was using mine 5T-E just a few minutes ago. They are sweet electrics.
Just purchased a Brother Charger 031. Like new. Never used. I love this simple machine! I owned a Phaff forever! Vintage. My Brother is easy, straight stiches with no problems.