I’ve been picking up cheap $2 35mm point-n-shoot cameras at the thrifts lately, but only ones that already have film loaded in them. Most only have a few frames shot – those I will generally re-roll and re-shoot, double-exposing those few frames in a dice roll to see if I can get something interesting to happen. The few that I’ve found that have mostly-shot rolls, I’ll pull out and develop as-is, in hope that the sequence of photos will tell an interesting story. Here is one such story of betrayal and murder, as seen through the Eye of The Owl…

Canon SureShot OWL PF, a pairly normal focus-free P&S with a nice huge viewfinder and (according to the Canon docs) a more powerful-than-normal flash. Takes 2 AA batteries and 35mm film. I’ve read that hunters liked these a lot because they’re easily jury-rigged for a remote tripwire shutter. They apparently used them to scout hunting trails for game.
Eerie, but fun!
Sounds like an episode of “The Whistler” so you could be “The Devloper”.
“I know many things, for my hands shake with caffienol.”
“I know many strange tales, hidden in the hearts of men and women who have donated cameras to thrift stores. Yes, I know the nameless terrors of which they dare not speak.”